Possibly the best birthday ever

Jan 22, 2010 13:57

The family party was last weekend and was much fun - Mom came up and we went to Heather's aunt and uncle's house where we had yuuuumy cake, opened presents, and played The Great Dalmuti, complete with silly hats.

Yesterday, my actual birthday, was a long day of clinic stuff, classes, and driving in rush hour traffic in the rain. Not bad, but long.

Then I got home. Heather was there, as warm and snuggly and wonderful as possible. I opened my presents from her, which were the perfect blend of something I really wanted (a set of Buckyballs), something to look forward to (symphony tickets, my choice), and something new to me (Strange Maps: An Atlas of Cartographic Curiosities). Since I hadn't eaten anything but a mini-orange since breakfast I was Ready to make our traditional Thursday kung pao tofu. We went into the kitchen to find... cookies! Heather had also made ginger cookies for me and let me tell you they were delicious. Perfectly cooked, too. It was a wonderful little extra I-love-you on top of the existing wonderfulness of coming home to H, presents, and the prospect of kung pao tofu.

After a cookie interlude we did make KPT and settled in to watch Up, which was lovely. But then I had to run away to play with my Buckyballs. Speaking of which... see ya.

birthday, heather
