a day in the life (sheldon/penny)

Oct 07, 2009 23:29

Title: A Day in the Life
Characters: Sheldon/Penny
Rating: R for sexuality
Summary: March 9th, 2011, is just another day in the life for Penny and her roommate, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
Notes: I owe a huge thank-you & ♥ to the wonderful htbthomas for beta reading. Without her help, Wolowitz would have died from eating peanut sauce! This story was written ( Read more... )

series: life the universe & everything, fandom: big bang theory, pairing: sheldon/penny

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Comments 7

your_chair November 2 2009, 12:31:30 UTC
Oh, ♥.


cosmicfish November 18 2009, 07:10:14 UTC
This is so amazing.
Love it.


7gifts December 3 2009, 21:29:01 UTC
This is truly amazing. I hope you do a commentary for this series too, I'm interested/curious to know the inspirations behind it.

Can we expect Life After Causal Relations soon?


champagnexdream January 21 2010, 18:52:08 UTC
Omg I love this especially because I am a huge Beatles/ATU fan! Ack!


evelynvaughn01 January 30 2010, 21:42:49 UTC
What a wonderful look at their day! I love how easily Penny and Sheldon have begun to work together--and yes, her not having to clean must be worth putting up with a lot of the methodical cleaning on his part! I imagine Penny having exactly this kind of effect on Sheldon--and Sheldon, as you've shown him, still being HIM all the same. Thank you!


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