Feb 12, 2007 01:00
I've seen so many friend's unsigned bands in my time, from age of 16 to the lofy figure of 28 i now stand at, and so many times you have to smile through gritted teeth when asked if you thought the gig was good or not. Now, in the past 12 months there's been a band or two i've liked that I've seen for the first time (stand up Jodie!), but in Feb/March 2006, I saw the Bob's band, The Laurel Collective for the first time. a year on, and a decent showing last month at the Purple Turtle, led to his gig on Friday at 93 Feet East; just awesome. I just wish they could record something as exciting as they are live pronto. Never such a great time and atmosphere I've seen at a gig before for a band unknown to the outside world. Please go and see them, and help 'International Love Affair' stay at number one for an eight consectutive week in Australia. James Murphy would love this band as much as me, so much cowbell. Dink dink.