If the following words don't blow your mind then the logic should.
These guys just can't let go. If evolutionists are right then it will
destory their religion. So, they have to stop it from being taught. Why
can't they see that if we teach what Christians believe in schools then
we also have to teach what ALL other religions believe as well. What
would they do when their children come home asking why their god is
better or worse then little Billy's god? Are they going to flip out and
demand that this stuff not be taught in schools or are they going to
show their true colors and demand that only theirs be taught because
after all, they are right and EVERYONE else is wrong. Because we all
know that being a christian does not mean acceptig others and their
beliefs. Being christian throughout history has always been about
forcing it on other people. No matter if you have to kill them, try to
shame them, or whatever.
The follwoing is from...
http://www.eagleforum.org/court_watch/alerts/2005/dec05/12-13-05.html Fact v. Fiction #1: Some evolutionists who claim to be Christians - but
also evolutionists who label themselves "theistic evolutionists" -
argue that God could have used the evolutionary process hypothesized by
Darwin to create the universe. But evolutionism reduces man to an
animal. Theism, conversely presents man as made in the image of God. If
man is an animal, but man is also made in the image of God, what does
that make God?
Fact v. Fiction #2: Evolutionists claim that their battle against
creation-science is primarily a "scientific" issue, not a
constitutional question. But our treasured U. S. Constitution is
written by persons and for persons. If man is an animal, the
Constitution was written by animals and for animals. This preposterous
conclusion destroys the Constitution. The Aguillard Humanists leave us
with no Constitution and no constitutional rights of any kind if they
allow us to teach only that man is an animal.
These subtle and dangerous attacks on God Himself and the Constitution
must be repelled. There are additional "Fictions" being hurled by
evolutionists against creationism, and we will consider these in our
next "Briefing." As the battle moves into the courtroom again, WE MUST