So, hi there!
Hope y'all haven't missed me too much. Yeah, I know I go through bursts of writing. Thing is, the number one place I'm used to writing at is work, and work has had the nerve to keep me busy of late. So anyway, here I am, fingers to keyboard, updating this silliness.
Me: Doing well, overall. I really need to go to bed earlier than I do. This is more a factor of my needing to put aside the fun things I'm doing and get some sleep. But they're fun, dammit! Starting to get psyched for Origins.
mousecat0 had her MRI last Friday, and had it interpreted today. Seems that there are 2 herniated discs in her upper spine, one much worse than the other. This is what is causing the pain in her arm. The doc wants to try cortisone shots first for pain management, but is thinking that surgery will probably need to happen at some point. Meanwhile, F is on a class field trip to St. Mary's City, MD today, and
mouseling1 is preparing for her end of year choral concert.
The Last Two Weeks: Well, lessee, Since I last update 2 weeks ago, there hasn't been too much going on. The kids & I went to NJ last weekend for the annual family Memorial Day picnic;
mousecat0 had to stay in MD for work. In a way, it may have been just as well, as she had a chance to relax somewhat without us being in her hair. It was good to see everyone, however.
Coming up: Well, it's the end of the school year, so things are getting busy. Have a cub scout pool party this Friday, maybe a Pathfinder session on Sunday, plus I'm stickin' by my cell phone in case a friend needs an ear to rant in or a shoulder to cry on. Yeah, I have someone specific in mind, and no, I'm not gonna mention a name, because they know who they are.
Monday is the final choral concert for
mouseling1. The following Saturday, there's the Book Release Shindig for
punkwalrus's book
Trolley (which I will be at,
mouseling1 will be attending a friend's Bat Mitzvah in the AM, and then a party for the young lady that night at
Shadowland in Gaithersburg.
Mousecat0 will take her to that, and then she and F will see a movie. That Sunday is a
Barking Mad/TCEP meeting. The kids are out of school on the 16th, and will come to work with me on the 17th for "NOAA Family Day". We may go to NJ to attend a graduation/birthday party on the 18th; this will depend greatly on available $$$, since we leave for Origins on the 22nd.
We come back from Origins on the 27th. On the 28th, there is the annual 4th of July shindig at my mother-in-law's country club, which we usually go to. On the 3rd, we take F. out to his Webelos scout camp, where he'll be for a week.
And the 4th is the
Annual Independence Day Suburban Charred Meat Festival.
We're a bit busy.
Conventions: Well, I'll be at Origins, TCEP, and Intervention. I'm trying to make sure that
mouseling1 &
Mousecat0 get to Otakon.
I am, at the moment, a bit annoyed with Origins. For the next two years, they are going to hold the convention the weekend after Memorial Day. Now, I don't know what went into this decision, though I suspect a lot of it was financial. I do think that this is going to be a Very Bad Idea. Now, I know that there are some school districts that are already out, but a lot of them are in school until June, and that means that parents like myself are going to be unable to go. This has become a family vacation time for us, but I can't justify pulling them out of school for it. And I've seen a lot more people opposing those dates than approving of them (at least on the Facebook community). I have a bad feeling that this might sink them financially. We'll see.
We do have alternate vacation plans in the works, however. One that will have us visiting sunny Orlando, FL in the spring of 2012, and Indianapolis in the summer of 2013. heeheehee
Gaming: No tabletop since last I wrote, though I have gotten Ticket to ride for the iPad, as well as all available maps. And there goes days at a time... ;-) Done some WoW, I've managed to get my Archaeology skill maxed out. Turns out that it's a good skill to work on during Laundry night. Find bits, fly to new place, fold laundry while in flight. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I think that's all I got for now.
I remind you all to have a good day. The very fact that you woke up on the proper side of the grass this morning makes it a great start to a good day.
Peas. Out.
Convention Countdown
Origins: 20 Days!
TCEP 18: 124 Days!
Intervention: 138 Days!