May 12, 2009 00:30
- 07:32 morning tweeps! #
- 09:03 I am not yet ready to be mobile this morning. Yet, here I am at work. Last night dinner went beautifully. #
- 12:01 @ jaygarmon Hey man, it's all in the reflexes! ;-) #
- 12:06 @ asaia Oops. #
- 12:14 @ asaia Be honest about it. " Yes, I was sick, but that's not an excuse for not calling in. I've learned my lesson from this." #
- 12:15 @ asaia "My work there otherwise was excellent. I feel I need to chalk this up as a learning experience & ensure it doesn't happen again." #
- 12:16 @ asaia I have a quote over my desk from PJ O'Rourke: "I like to think of my behavior in the 60s as a learning experience... #
- 12:17 @ asaia "...Then again, I like to think of anything stupid I've done as a learning experience. It makes me feel less stupid." #
- 12:18 @ asaia You can't undo the stupid that's been done. You can only learn from it and strive not to repeat it. #
- 12:19 @ asaia Believe me, the stupid I've done in my life is legendary. However, it keeps being new forms of stupid; I don't repeat the old ones. #
- 12:20 @ asaia There you go: my new slogan for a career as a self-help guru: "Don't Repeat The Stupid" #
- 12:22 Thanks to @asaia for helping me come up with a slogan if I ever decide to be a self-help guru: "Don't Repeat the Stupid: Do New Stupid" #
- 13:02 @ fyrebyrd The way I figure it, since we're human, it's not *if* we do something stupid, but *when*. ;-) #
- 13:26 Just posted 4 recipes on my LiveJournal. See all the recipes I've posted at #LJ #
- 13:56 @ fuzzface00 Know him? I'm related to him! (/me is glad that Stoooooo is not on Twitter) #
- 14:44 @ evilpassion Once again, this kind of strengthens my desire to NOT go to WVa. Weren't you trying to do the opposite at one point? ;-) #
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