I had an awesome time playing disc golf yesterday with
towerboy, Colette, and Adam.
The last time I had tossed a round of disc golf was quite a while ago, and I've had several games of ultimate frisbee including a tournament in the interim. During that time it was drilled into me how to correctly throw a forehand flick with an ultimate disc. This is handy since my primary throw in golf is with a forehand flick. The improvement translated directly from one style to another and the results were amazing!
I had been hoping to stay under 20 over par (shooting about 4 on every hole since they're all par 3) but at the end of the game, I was only +6!! I even got the first birdie anyone has ever seen, and on a reasonably difficult hole too (6)! Out of my six over par, three of those points were racked up on a single hole, and just about every other hole I managed to get par. I even hit the bottom of the scoring post on the second throw on three occasions, though it has to land inside the basket up on the post to count as a score. Man I was on fire!