Missed my bus. Actually, missed three buses: the 6:20, the 7:20, and the 8:20.
Wrote a beautiful essay for class, and now I won't be in class to turn it in. Emailed it to the prof, but it isn't the same. No wonder the only threat to my GPA these days is my attendance record. I have no issues doing the work. I just can't seem to get my tuckus to class!
I've only reincorporated the tiniest bit of caffeine in the past few days. Could that be why I'm only lucid after 9+ hours of sleep? Was I that hooked on go-juice?
In Other News:
As a nerdy-girl my self-esteem hinges as much on the confidence that I am smart as it does on, say, my figure or the clarity of my skin. Vain? Moi? You bet your boots, I am! I know I'm smart, but usually it's a bit like knowing that there is a great deal of sand in the Sahara. I've been told by reliable sources, but have never (or only rarely) seen it for myself. Well, as I was writing last night I got into "editor" mode and noticed from a strange, third person perspective, that the bit of gibberish I'd just banged out was rather ... well ... see for yourself...
"In truth, the writing quality of the average blog should be a point of concession to the defenders of the journalistic blog. Yes, blogs are very frequently poorly written. In some cases it is because bloggers, even ones who respect other aspects of journalism, take umbrage to being restricted and rebel against it to the point of rebelling against the rules of grammar. In these cases the bad grammar is as much an artistic statement as it is in an E. E. Cummings poem. In other cases bad grammar is perceived in large part because the author has intentionally adopted the developing electronic vernacular, which has the potential to be America’s next dialect of English after Ebonics. In these cases, readers can be expected to understand either the statement the blogger is making, or the dialect he or she is using."
Ah! I'm such a smartly pants. *blush* This is completely out of context, of course, but I love the way this section of the essay sounds and I'm feeling particularly vain about it. Of course, that being said, I'll probably get dinged for ridiculous vocabulary and several comma rules I'm sure I messed up. *shrug* Ah well. It was nice while it lasted!