Yesterday was a heck of a day in gravity, as I'm sure AJRBarton might attest. Thankfully, her encounter with our parking lot was a little easier than mine. I twisted my ankle but good, and come this morning not even an ice pack and a dose of ibuprofen could make walking more than 10 feet possible.
So instead of going to work (Gods, I suck.) I got snuggled in with some strange British TV and my to do list. My navy pea coat was missing a button, so I pulled all of the old ones (plain plastic) off and replaced them with pretty vintage-looking silver ones. I repaired the zipper on my $10 fat-jeans, making them $12 fat jeans. I darned more socks. (Tess, this is
the link where I learned how. ) I've picked out the pattern for Blueberry's gift and gotten the materials together to patch the elbows of my University of Denver shirt. I did my December birthday shopping, except for Morgaynne's which requires further thought.
Now I'm struck with insomnia related to my thrice-damned shoulder, watching season 1 of Stargate SG-1 and finally getting some work done on LC's blanky. It was either that or embroider apricot-colored stars on a
sage baby hat for the baby I'm still not pregnant with. I'm trying to avoid that kind of emotional-cheese-grater action.