Nov 28, 2007 22:06
Well, World of Warcraft's been eating up pretty much my every available moment of internet time for the past couple weeks, but I still felt the need to take a moment to exclaim over the latest Doctor Who news (if you're involved in the fandom at all, I'm sure you know which news I mean). Even if I was probably the last person in the entire world to hear about it.
Even so, despite the large part of me that is right now jumping for joy, there's this tiny piece that's telling me not to get my hopes up. I think it's because I've been kicked around by the gods of fandom (i.e. the writers and/or producers) too many times in too many shows. X-Files, especially, was like that really bad relationship that leaves you so emotionally messed up that every relationship thereafter ends up paying for the baggage it left you with.
Still -- and determinately ignoring that part of me that insists on starting to worry --
doctor who