Mar 07, 2007 00:33
If I hear one more word about American Idol being racist I think I'll vomit. When I first saw this headline I was sure they were meaning being racist against white people and that FINALLY someone had noticed that all of the white women receive bad comments from the judges and there are less of them on the show. No, they're arguing that American Idol is racist because they threw a black woman off the show for nudie pics and not Antonella.
Of course, one could argue (and they would be right) that the black women on the show are better singers than the white women. Not necessarily all the way across the board, but for the most part.
On the other hand, one could argue that Antonella looks a hell of a lot better naked than Frenchie (and they would be right too). Frenchie naked is an anti-advertising campaign, whereas Antonella naked is a reason to tune in at 8.
Oh don't you even get offended by that. Singing like Aretha Franklin is a gift that you're born with (and work to improve and maintain in a professional setting). Having the body of a supermodel is also a gift you're born with (which you also work to improve and maintain in a professional setting). Frenchie may have had some business singing, but she should have kept her shirt on. Antonella on the other hand maybe should keep her mouth shut (although her singing is better to listen to than Frenchie is to look at), but she has natural talent in the photo department.