So... apparently the last time I updated this thing with a real post was... July? Apparently?
Type your cut contents here.
Yeah, uhm... Not, a helluva lot to say, really. My job, well... sucks. That's the bottom line. Some of the people are decent but, the job still sucks. I've had one those days that, makes me realize since I moved here in August of 2006, I have accomplished... nothing.
What a stark realization that is. I have accomplished nothing.
This morning generally sucked. Big storm moved in, pouring rain, high wind. Thankfully, my family sent me a rain suit (separate jacket and pants) to wear when I bike to work. Worked really well, I am quite happy with the results. Just the ride in? Totally sucked balls.
Work, was listless. I don't care anymore. There is a lack of any challenge at this place and the customers are wholly bland, two dimensional, and completely uninteresting. Yet I /feigninterest, and somehow have managed to keep looking like a complete jackass in the process.
I nap now during my lunch break. It's an hour, what the fuck else am I gonna do? I only need 15 minutes to eat, hence why I eat on my 10 minute breaks. So I nap. Every work day, right on my lunch hour, head phones on, cover my head with my hood and just zone out completely, dreaming of a world infinitely better than the shit hole I have put myself into.
Keep in mind, I'm awake at 3am just to get to Hell by 4am. So I can put away the load and fix the mistakes the dip shit backstabbing gossip mongering, fight starting, attention whore of an assistant manager has made. And no, I am not joking. I would go so far as to call this woman a Cunt, even. Not a word I use often, if rarely at all, I can assure you.
I was basically killing time today. Upon my arrival and surveying of the list of persons scheduled, I noticed that neither the Manager or Assistant Manager would be showing up. Oh how swell. This means, that not only do I have to put away the load (a seven hour job), but I would also have to process and execute all the managerial daily procedures (five hour job). Suffice to say, when the power cut out at 11am, the order had been mostly put away, the order for tomorrow had been sent in, none of the distress (bad, or out of date product) had been scanned, the frozen order had not been sent, and that is just to name a few items.
The power loss however, was quite enjoyable. It was dark, quiet, and calm. No lights. Nothing. To which I thought, "Oh! Power loss! Cover everything up and we're closed!" At least until the lights came back on. Mmm no. Our new Store Manager (who in my opinion is nothing but a stuffed shirted jackass), decides to KEEP THE STORE OPEN to the public when we HAVE NO LIGHTING ON. NONE. We were to each PURCHASE a flashlight, and escort incoming customers to dry goods only.
.... Purchase a flashlight? Fuck that. If this shit is an emergency, they can fucking hand me one, and say, "We need this back when you leave." And second, what the fuck do we do if someone gets hurt? The phone lines were SOL, we'd have no way to call anyone... oh except for cell phones, but hey! Those weren't fucking working either! So still.. ESCORT CUSTOMERS.
.... Thankfully 1pm had rolled around and it was time for me to leave. The ride home sucked Hardu Gay. High Wind, Rain, and a soundtrack that was right out of Full Metal Jacket, Forest Gump or hell, even Apocalypse Now, was playing (mp3 player. Duh). And with the way some of these jackasses were driving, I... feel lucky to have made it home.
...... So thankfully the apartment has power, the space heaters running, I'm freezing like crazy, my Burger King burger tastes like cardboard...