This is my first attempt at posting a here goes...
Meet Haley Shamrock
(I downloaded her from
<lj user= "> kelsey dubois but i changed her traits and name)
Her traits are: Born Saleswoman, Frugal, Lucky (family trait), Neurotic, and Perfectionist
Her favorites are: Indie music, Lobster Thermidor, and the color Green
Her lifetime want is to be Swimming in Cash (Have 50,000 Simoleons)
Haley: Where did all my monies go?
Haley: You spent all my monies on this?
Haley: OMG I hate it! I can't believe you spent my money on this! THIS?!
well you gotta go somewhere.... and I thought you'd like the privacy...........
Haley: O but this... this I like!
Haley: very comfy... I think I'll sit here for a while
and she did for like 5 Sim hours.
Haley finally got hungry and decided to make the only thing she can without an oven... an autumn salad.
Haley: I am the best chef ever....
ummm... it's just a salad get over your self
Okay so I may have cheated and made her know everyone... only because I wanted her to have a different spouse than most legacy founders.
Haley: Why hello...
Torgo: Hi...
Torgo: I went to a play and the actors wore these masks....
Haley: did they have green tickets? I love green tickets...
Torgo: yea they had green tickets...
Haley: I love love love green tickets.... (++)
Haley: So um do you have a job?
Torgo: umm yea... I deliver pizzas
Haley: o'rly? (++)
Torgo: So I like your new house
Haley: Really? it has no walls....
Haley: you have nice hands for delivering pizzas... you can touch my pizza with those hands....
i was so shocked she gave him a pick up line autonomously
Torgo: yea I'm learning how to toss dough so I can get promoted....
dude... um she is hitting on you....
Torgo: O! how u doin'?
Haley: O Torgo...
Since she never ate before Torgo arrived they decided to eat now...
but apparently they are both self conscious about eating in front of other people...
Haley: this salad was the best I ever made...
it's the only one you have ever made.
Haley: Right... so no room for failure.... :)
Torgo: Thank you god for choosing me!
Torgo: This is a beautiful lot...
Haley: So what do you think about music?
Torgo: I hope sales increase soon....
Torgo: The composers are getting ripped off.
Haley: well the theaters shouldn't take so much of the cut....
Haley: because that makes everyone say wooo what's going on?
Haley: so I have this conspiracy....
Torgo: your neurotic? I'm neurotic!
Haley: omg me too!
Torgo: I have this conspiracy that the moon is just the back side of the sun!
Haley: I have a conspiracy that the astronauts are really aliens....
Torgo: **she's so pretty**
Torgo: I have a conspiracy that the government is using our tax money to go hunt mummies in Egypt!
they bonded over many more conspiracies and a little gossip...
Torgo: You are amazing...
Haley: **I like him and all but wtf is he doing on my bed?
Haley: So..... you like what Da Vinci dis with the whole Mona Lisa thing?
Torgo: um yea... sure... lets cuddle?
okay so after they kissed she wanted to brush her teeth 3 times....
Torgo: Can I use your toothbrush?
apparently he did too lol
Haley: you do and i'll feed you to a dragon!
Torgo: ugh I really want to brush my teeth
Haley: **stares**
Torgo: not that it wasn't a great kiss... because it was...
Haley got tired so she went to sleep, but since she never actually asked Torgo to sleep over this is what he did all night....
sat there and thought about himself.... Guess he was thinking over whether or not it was a good idea to get involved with a legacy founder...
Sorry it's so short... I'm just getting used to this and I still haven't decided how I will narrate... I'm sure it will get easier as it goes along.
Anyway I hope you have enjoyed the boringness so far. Torgo only has the one trait as of now... I'm working on getting him the mid-life crisis reward so he can have more of a personality.