Starlite Legacy 2.1

Jan 11, 2011 16:04

Aries: Well Moon as you already know Hydra and Alex got married and are expecting their first baby; and so was Sun and Honey.
Moon: Yea. So what happened next?
Aries: Well babies were born and everyone was excited about that, but the family also lost a member...

Hydra: Not **huff** gonna **huff** let **huff** this **huff** pregnancy **huff** slow **huff** me **huff** down!

Yes well good lick with that....

Thought you said you wouldn't let this pregnancy slow you down?

Hydra: I'm not... um mom just wanted to hear the new song I learned...

Alex: don't lie dear it's bad for the baby.

Moon: Hurry up Crux and play. I'm starving over here!

Crux: Don't rush me!

Alex and Hydra: **reads about parenting**

Chamaeleon: **plays video games**

Hydra: dude turn it down or Ima turn it off!

Chameleon: I can barely hear it now!

Hydra: Does it look like I care?! I'm the heiress, you better feel lucky your still a teen or your ass would be out on the street!

Chameleon: I'm telling mom!

Father and son spending quality time together playing catch. outside. in the middle of the night.

Once Crux decided it was bed time Joey finally decided it was time to read the book his old boss gave him back on his first day of work. Way to go Joey. Better late than never.

Alex decided to make a real meal because all the left over birthday cake was getting old.

Moon is upgrading the washer machine. Now they cloths apparently stay cleaner longer....

Joey: nummy nummy pancakes.

What's wrong Hydra? You haven't been working out the past few days? Pregnancy finally slowing ya down?

Hydra: NEVER! I'ma work out after I learn this new song... yea

sure you will....

Joey: Moon your still the pretties girl around.
Moon: awe Joey. You don't have to work so hard anymore. We have 6 kids and we are in out 90's. We just go woohoo when every we feel like it!
Joey: Well in that case!

Alex... I thought you were outside gardening?
Alex: I was... well I was going to but I decided to learn how to COOK friut and vegetables instead of growing them...
No Sir... get outside right now!

Hydra: MOM why would you flush the toilet when you could clearly see that I was in the shower?!
Moon: O get over yourself tubby!

Hydra: Did you just call me tubby?!
Moon: **walks away**
Hydra: **follows** I was not done talking to you! How could you call me tubby?!
Moon: Well Hydra. You haven't been working out the past couple of days and it's starting to show.

Hydra: What? No mom! I'm pregnant not fat!
Moon: O...

Moon: Pregnant? Really? That's great!

Moon invited Honey over because she knew she would be having her first grand baby and second now...
Moon: Hey Honey how has your pregnancy been?
Honey: O you know it's been just like a walk in the park..

Moon: Hey lil baby. When you get here I'm going to spoil you with lots of teddy bears!
Honey: **o god please not**

Just as Honer was helping herself to some dinner the baby decides to come.
Crux: I need QUITE please. I'm trying to do my homework here!
Honey: STFU I'm trying to have a baby here!

Moon rides along with Honey to the hospital...

Look tries to wait for Sun to show up but decided she can't any longer, but it makes in time anyway.

Here is  the first baby of generation 3 even though he won't be a major face we see. His name is Siddhartha. I didn't get his stats.

Meanwhile back at the home front Crux is having a serious game of chess against himself. In which he apparently loses...

Inappropriate picture.. yet pretty funny. I don't think I will be hugging my in-laws while in my undies any time soon...

With his baby due any second, Alex decides he should read another parenting book just to be sure he is ready.

Joey learns how to make cheese-steak per request of Hydra's cravings.

Hydra and Moon get past their lil spat and decide to play catch.

Later Moon wanted to hold Siddhartha so she went over to Sun and Honey's house. (I built this lil house. it's supposed to be a loft 1 1/2 bath, but I added on to make room for babies).

Moon: awe sweet lil Sidd.
Honey: O btw I'm pregnant again!
Moon: that's great dear!

Joey: **video games!**

Crux: love is stupid. I hate love. I never want to be in love and I can't stand all the love in this house.

Chamaeleon: O you just hate love because you are the youngest but don't get spoiled like you think you should.
CruxL stfu

Hydra: Alright boys time for me to work out.
Crux: get out of the way Hydra! I'm about to win!
Chamaeleon: whatever! I'm about to win!

Hydra: awe baby I'm ready for you to be here...

Hydra: strange...
What's strange?
Hydra: I feel like I have to pee but my bladder is completely empty...
Yea that's pregnancy for ya...

Alex: G'nite babe I'm off to bed.
Hydra: O whatever. It's only 2am.

Hydra: O crap. the pain! make. it. stop. now!

Hydra calls a taxi to take her to the hospital...
Alex does eventually show up...

Then this lady walks out. Her name is Sunshine. Apparently she wanted in the legacy...

Twins! Taurus and Andromeda.

Andromeda is on the left and Taurus is on the right...

Since there are two babies in the house Chamaeleon decides he needs to read some parenting books.

Crux: Hey Taurus. Wanna play with Uncle Crux?

Chamaeleon plays with Andromeda.

I don't think they have favorites... not even a little....

Moon takes Taurus to look at the digital fish.

Then before you know it, it's time for the twins to age up! First up is Taurus of course!

Then Andromeda!

and since I never properly introduced Alex... here he is.

Hey Moon what's going on?

Moon: O just thinking about my beautiful grand babies and how beautiful this house is...

Moon: I hope everyone will be okay with out me here.
What are you talking about Moon?

Moon: It's time for me to go now.
But :(

Grim: Hello Moon. Are you ready?

Moon: Yes. Yes I am.
(Its much easier to let them go when they are willing. but still sad)

Joey: My beautiful Moon... **heart breaks**

Moon pasted away with over 100,000 lifetime happiness points and she fulfilled her lifetime want.

Aries: That's the end of this album Moon.
Moon: awe it's sad to see the original Moon go.
Aries: Yes it sad, but she was ready.
Moon: yea...

Hope y'all enjoy even though there was some sad. Alex and Honey belong to siouxpergirl . Also siouxpergirl told me about photofiltre to edit my pictures with. I hope the quality is better. :) I'm still figuring out how to edit properly, so if the quality is still bad I apologize.

sims 3, starlite legacy

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