[Private to Tim]
I feel uneasy.
[Private to Santa]
I remember believing in you as a child, insisted you were still real as a teenager, even though I knew better. Then I came here.. I know you're the Admiral, but it doesn't make the thought any less. Thank you, for Christmas.
Give Tim pictures of the people he was closest to from home. Some.. gadget he misses. The knowledge that Gotham hasn't fallen apart in his absence.
Dick deserves less. Give him a watch.. something nice, not extravagant. Give him a sign of hope for his future-- then take it away.
I don't know for Isaac. Paints seems too obvious. Maybe a different medium. Get him chalks and colored pencils and whatever else artists use. Sketch pads. Let's see if he can't draw us something worth admiring. ...A nice coat, too. Give Cissie a collection of addicts anonymous chips to hand out to Isaac, for a tangible reminder of progress.
Cissie needs.. something. [Fail.] Give her a pet hamster, everything it needs. [...] Dozens of flowers all over her room. [He moves on, then comes back.] A new design of her old costume, in comfortable materials. That fits her now. [No being normal for you.]
For Stephanie, some good, instant waffle mix. A snow globe, of the town we visited.
For Judas, Give me a good, thick jacket to give to him, a thick blanket. Something for his dog too-- a toy. Not one that makes noise.
Give Claire a stuffed teddy bear representing the port. Give her a few new, nice outfits. Dresses. And a small snowglobe of her home in Costa Verde. Make it anonymous; she'll know.
Crane needs a microscope capable of looking at blood. [If this is a warden-deferred thing, Eames will want it in the lab with Crane's name on it.]
Give Slade a letter opener that looks like the knife he admired at port. If that's too dangerous, then something plastic with rounded corners.
Merry Christmas,