BSG Drabble: Tired [Lee Adama, PG]

Nov 05, 2005 22:41

Just another fifteen minute drabble.

Spoiler Warning: Minor warning for season 2's Final Cut

Inspired from a brief clip seen in Final Cut.

His muscles ached as he pulled himself from his cockpit, leaning heavily on the ladder as he descended the few steps to the deck as he paid only minimal attention to the deckhands questions about his Viper's performance. A few muttered acknowledgements later and reminder that he was to report to CIC in half an hour left him feeling completely drained as he listlessly went through the final post flight check of his fighter. It had been a normal CAP, quiet and utterly boring, and yet he found himself feelong more exhausted than he had felt on the fifth day of the hellish thirty three minutes of delayed persuit.

Finished with his once over, he stopped to rest his hands thankfully on the beaten and battered hull of the Mark II, enjoying the feel of the cool skin as he close his eyes and allowed himself a moments respite. Fleetingly he considered ignoring the summons to CIC but the thought passed away as quickly as it had come. He was the CAG and as such he had responsibilities. Too bad the thought didn't inspire him to move a centimeter from his position, just revelling in the moment of solitude.

A gentle grasp on his shoulder brought his head up quickly to find Starbuck passing him with an understanding smile and a nod.

Suddenly he didn't feel so tired anymore.

drabble, grayfic, bsg

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