Warning: Spoilers!
Stargate SG-1 "Counterstrike"
Basic Plot: The Jaffa unleash the power of the ancient device on Dakara in an attempt to stop the spreading unfluence of the Ori.
Plot: The Ori have taken another world whose citizens seem to welcome them as Daniel and Vala watch Adria rallies to the crowd to support Origin and join the ranks of the Ori warriors. Adria senses something shortly before a wave from the Stargate engulf the planet killing everyone moments after the team is beamed back up to the Odyssey.
After changing out of local garb, Daniel and Vala speaks about her guilt over Adria being the leader of the Ori invasion and not doing something about it before she was born. Bra'tac arrives at the SGC with grave news while the investigation goes on to figure out what killed the people. Carter and Teal'c are convinced by the information that it must be the device at Dakara. A supposition that Bra'tac confirms and indicates his own opposition to the devices being used in such a manner. Teal'c is ashamed his people would use the device to slaughter innocents but joins the team in investigating the Ori vessel left empty by the attack. While searching the ship Vala and Daniel continue their discussion during which Daniel tells Vala about Sha're. Teal'c and Cameron discover a power source and rig it blow in case they are unable to claim the vessel. Carter finds the bridge and notes its similarity to Ancient technology. Meanwhile, Landry prepares to visit the Jaffa Council to discuss the situation.
Teal'c and Cam confront some Jaffa who come to claim the ship as a spoils of war. The Jaffa feel they have the right to the vessel and a fire fight breaks out between the two groups. When Carter requests an extraction the crew on the Odyssey realize they can't beam them off the ship. Teal'c and Cam are incapacitated by the Jaffa while Sam tries to lower the vessel's shields. A Jaffa fleet arrives and the Odyssey leave. The Jaffa leader meets with Landry and Bratac. Landry makes it clear he's pissed off noting the Jaffa violated the agreement between them. The Jaffa leader believes the agreement is null given the presence of the Ori and believes genocide is acceptable if it leads to the defeat of the Ori. Sam, Daniel and Vala are hiding form the Jaffa who control the ship while Cam and Teal'c are interrogated by the Jaffa and threaten to kill them unless the others reveal their presence. Daniel reveals his presence on ship in order to get cooperation in the process being captured. Adria saves Daniel and Vala knocking out their Jaffa captors.
When Daniel hold a weapon on Daniel, Vala stop her from harming Daniel. Adria explains how she survived and welcomes being rejoined with her mother. The Jaffa leader on the ship questions the Tauri's intentions and believes the Jaffa would have gained their freedom on their own anyway. The leader inadvertently sets the bomb Cam and Teal'c set into armed while Sam finishes tinkering with the Ori systems. Adria demands Daniel tell her what happened to her followers on the planet. When Vala stops her she turns to interrogating the Jaffa revealing it's location on Dakara before being killed by Adria. Sam rescues Teal'c and Cam. On Dakara, Landry notes the pact between the Tauri and Jaffa alliance may be broken. The Jaffa leader refuses to discuss it further when Landry notes that the Jaffa could have tested their weapon on a Jaffa world but chose to do it on a human one instead. While SG-1 is in the process of escaping, the Ori ship activates and flies off destroying the Jaffa ships in orbit before departing.
We return to find the Odyssey heading toward Dakara. The Jaffa leader in angry at the loss of three warships and blames the Tauri believing they did it out of jealousy. The team returns to the bridge discovering no one is there. Adria continues to speak with Daniel and Vala telling them of Tomon still being alive and the eventual arrival of the the full Ori fleet. Adria wants Vala to join with her, desiring her mother to accept Origin. The remaining Jaffa confront T and Cam believing they have taken control of the ship but are able to convince them to join forces to retake the vessel. The vessel arrives at Dakara putting the Jaffa leadership on edge, believing the Tauri are trying to take the device threatening to gather a fleet and attack Earth in retaliation. T and Cam decide to set of the C-4 rather than let the Ori vessel launch an attack on Dakara.
Cameron hesitates momentarily before flicking the switch but the bomb doesn't go off. Adria stopped the bomb going off and easily dispatches the Jaffa that come after her. The Odyssey arives in orbit. The Jaffa leader takes them to the chamber intending to use the weapon to destroy the ship in orbit and on the surface. Adria has come to destroy the weapon but intends to keep Daniel alive much like the Jaffa leader intends for Landry. The Odysssey beams the team away as the Jaffa fire the weapon killing everyone except Adria on the Ori vessel. In response Adria attacks the weapon destroying it as Landry and Bratac escape. Dakara is later noted to be destroyed as five more worlds fall including Langara and Hebredin. The Jaffa are divided and in disarray. Vala's words strike a chord with Bratac.
- My Adria has grown. Heh.
- Dr Phil...war strategist. Heh. I'd say Sun Tzu is more likely. It's been too long since I've read Sun Tzu.
- Dr Phil. Sun Tzu. Heh.
- Props department could have done a little better job on the chair. Looks like some furniture I saw in a catalog recently. Hmm...is there a style called Ori sheik?
- Hmm. Jaffa.
- Incidental genocide is not an option. Yay Landry.
- Somehow I'm not surprised the Jaffa don't blink an eye at comitting genocide given their past oppression (as both opressed and opressors under Goa'uld control).
- Nice hit Sam.
- Ah. Racism at it's murderous finest. I'm actually surprised a conflict between Humans and Jaffa hasn't occured sooner given the propensity for arrogance and violence on both parties.
- A requirement for Jaffa Council leaders: stupidity.
- Good points Daniel. You can't bring religion at the point of a gun. Sounds suspiciously familiar, doesn't it given current events in the world?
- So not all Jaffa leaders are complete morons when faced with the obvious truth.
- Stupid Jaffa leaders.
- Vala's moment of wisdom.
Miscellaneous: It's odd but I don't really mind the Ori story as much as I used to. I still don't really like it, but I'm not so completely and utterly annoyed by it as I once was that I'm tempted to tune an episode out.
I've been sort of waiting a while for a storyline which brings forth the resentment some Jaffa would feel about needing assistance to gain their freedom. Now that the episode is here, I'm pleased how it played out touching on nearly every aspect: resentment, inferiority complex, agression, arrogance, and revisionism to elevate Jaffa accomplishments over that of anyone else and how it leads to assumptions, paranoia, and eventual defeat.
Strangely but this is now one of my favorite episodes of the season.
Rating: 9.0/10
Stargate Atlantis "Common Ground"
Basic Plot: Sheppard is taken prisoner by a Genii and allies with a Wraith used to torture him in order for both to escape.
Plot: The team are under fire while retreating. While escaping their persuers, Sheppard is captured by the Genii commander, Kolya.
On Atlants, the search team returns without positive results in finding Sheppard. The assumption is that the Genii took Sheppard given the code used was one given to them bythe Atlantis mission. Leydan arrives to provide assistance. Sheppard is trying to get Kolya's attention and talks with his fellow prisoner whose been there for years. Genii guards come to retrieve Sheppard who tries to escape but is quickly subdued. On Atlantis, the Genii are disarmed while they discuss how they were ambushed. Teyla, McKay, and the rest are suspicious of Leydan's sincerity in his offer to help locate Sheppard. Weir takes Leydan to her office to discuss the situation alone. Sheppard awakens to find himself chained to a chair and Kolya wanting to use him to attain his goal. While Leydan and Weir talk a signal comes through the gate from Acostas Kolya showing Sheppard bound and gag and demanding an exchange. Kolya wants Leydan turned over to him in exchange for Sheppard. When Weir asks for time, Kolya allows the Wraith prisoner to feed on Sheppard for a short bit, and then gives her three hours to make the exchange before allowing the Wraith to feed again.
Sheppard and the Wraith are talking in their respective cells talking (though Sheppard doesn't know it's a Wraith). The other prisoner notes that the Wraith feeds because it has to which prompts Sheppard to get suspicious before realizing his fellow prisoner is the Wraith that fed on him. Leydan discusses the situation with Weir, informing them of the events that happened after the Genii's failed Atlantis mission that led to Kolya's ostricization and Leydan's rise to power. Leydan agress to share information on known Genii safehouses. Meanwhile Sheppard and the Wraith continue their suffering and anger at their situation. Sheppard is pissed that he's lost a few years off his life but convinced that the team will come for him and the Wraith is pissed at being slowly starved. Going through the database they determine a possible target in which to find Sheppard. McKay tries to inspire the troops with a Sheppard-esque speach. Sheppard finds himself back in the chair talking with Kolya over Leydan. The rescue team strikes their target finding a single Genii and McKay overreacted and shooting a mouse but otherwise an empty location. When the time is up, Kolya allows the Wraith to feed again when she refuses to turn over Leydan, leaving Sheppard visibly aged. The Wraith questions whether Sheppard's friends will save him, noting no one has ever left the place alive. Sheppard starts colluding with the Wraith to escape, but the Wraith rejects the idea.
The guards come for Sheppard and the Wraith again to repeat the procedure one more. Kolya can't believe the Atlantis mission would chose Leydan over Sheppard before allowing the Wraith to feed again. The Wraith stops claiming Sheppard is near death. Beckett is concerned that Sheppard may already be beyond saving. Leydan wants to return to his people so he can extract the information needed to find Sheppard. Sheppard awakens back in his cell and is apparently admired by the Wraith for his strength which apparenly has convinced the Wraith to join Sheppard in an escape attempt. Weir let's Leydan go despite reservations by the team. The guards come for Sheppard and the Wraith again, this tie the pair fight back taking out their captors with the Wraith being shot in the process. As they escape they eliminate a number of Genii along the way, upgrading weapons as they go. Kolya orders a number of men to guard the Gate while the rest hunt the pair down.
The Wraith leads Sheppard to the surface and the two quarrel a bit over heading to the Stargate, each drawing weapons on one another before agreeing to work together and then go their own ways once they reach the Stargate. At Atlantis Weir contemplates while waiting for the next transmission. The Wraith and Sheppard take a break to rest during which Sheppard realizes the Wraith doesn't know where the Gate is and they over hear the Genii planning to kill the Wraith and capture Sheppard. The Wraith praises Sheppard for his attitude and strategy. When Kolya's late in contacting them the team ponders what had happened. The Wraith is amused at the Genii looking around for the Wraith and Sheppard by the Gate. Leydan soon calls with the location of Kolya's base and his plans to take a Genii brigade after Kolya while Weir intends to send a single Jumper and a team of marines.
The next morning the Wraith hears Genii approaching and feeds off Sheppard before attacking and eliminating the Genii soldiers, feeding off of them until they die. The rescue team comes through the Gate and quicly locates Sheppard via his transmitter The Wraith actually gives back the life force he took away from Sheppard, stopping the team from killing the Wraith. The Wraith apparenly give back life to their worshippers and brothers. Sheppard swears to kill Kolya on sight and maintains his deal with the Wraith by taking the Wraith with them and then letting him go.
- Ouch. Shep got harpooned.
- Kolya. Yay. I like the character of Kolya. Good to see him back.
- I still like the new jacket Shep wears.
- Yeah I'd say Kolya crossed a line that will completely piss Weir off.
- 3 hours to recover between feedings eh? Interesting.
- Heh. Rodney's Shep impersonation. Does that count as a McShep moment?
- Got to love Genii politics, backstab and betray your way to power.
- Looks like Shep lost at least ten years there
- Not surprised that the Wraith finally agrees to tr and escape with Sheppard.
- More alike than they like to admit. Not surprising really given the Wraith have a humanoid genome descended from the Aeretus (sp) bug. Nature and biology has shown that similar genomes tend to have similar behavior patterns.
- Next time we meet...All bets are off.
Miscellaneous: I enjoyed this episode with it's Enemy Mine feel to it.
Rating: 9.0/10