oh, okay.

Apr 15, 2007 15:36

i guess people do still read this thing.

sorry i don't really update this thing anymore. i'm pretty much hooked on the myspace thing, because i can just write people on an individual basis instead of having to filter what i want to say to suit updating everybody as to what's going on in my life. i do feel bad about it, though, since i've had this thing since either `99 or 2000. i don't really want to abandon it at all. plus i've been feeling very uninspired as far as writing goes. i need to get back in school...i wrote all the time when i was in school. now it seems like all i do is work and drink. i'm okay with that, but it does get old after a while.

things are still immensely better than they were in little rock. i'm still off drugs and have no plans of starting again. to this day, when i think of putting a needle in my arm again, it makes me wretch. i can't even watch people do it in movies - so needless to say, "permanent midnight," "requiem for a dream," and "trainspotting" are completely off the list of movies i can watch. i would literally vomit if i had to see it again. it makes me shake to even type this.

i don't know if y'all know this, but i overdosed the night before i moved up to fayetteville. it's never fun to flop like a fish on the floor of a club's bathroom, then get up and drive your friend home. what a way to go, huh? stupid, stupid, stupid shit. heroin, cocaine, and meth are the devil.

but yeah, things are so much better in fayetteville. i've had two girlfriends, one of which was an extremely beautiful, talented girl. as luck would have it, things just didn't work out. i'm still working the same two jobs that i started three days after i moved up here. the literary journal i worked so hard on a few semesters ago got published, along with two of my stories ("the last pallbearer" and "somniatus" - both of which i've posted in this journal before), so i'm very proud of that. it's another reason i want to get back in school...i don't think i was ever as happy as when i had a scholarship, was tutoring english, had a beautiful girlfriend, and wasn't drinking a drop.

...sounds like something out of an arthur miller story, but it's true, nonetheless.

i guess that's it. better start getting ready to go to work. my myspace address is http://www.myspace.com/thelidlesseye if any of y'all have your own accounts. hopefully i'll have more to update later.

be well.
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