If I came home one last time, imagine what the 2 of us could do... I guess whe'll never know

Feb 05, 2002 19:40

Things that shouldn't be said, but are:

Ghetto guy mackin' it to some hoochies: Where do you live by?
Hoochie #3: ...Your Mom
Hooochies [in unison]: *Giggles Histerically*
Ghetto Guy: *Prolonged Silence*

Things I've learned the past 2 months :
- Sex is actually very enjoyable.
- It's OK to sleep around as long as you enjoy it and aren't doing it to be "cool". And even if you are, who gives a shit, so your slutty...congratulations!
- No one appreciates being called stupid.
- It only takes a matter of moments for me to miss Alex. =*0(
- People need to come with warning labels.
- Drugs aren't THAT bad.
- Living a short, purposeless, usually comatose yet exciting life isn't one to necessarily shun. Think about it. People will enjoy watching your drunk/fucked up ass and automatically like you (as people like to talk to people who make them laugh), anda slew of other reasons i don't want to get into.

*If you notice, there is a pattern to every new discovery*
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