Dec 10, 2004 20:21
"Travis" killed my CD player.
Today 'Nette and I went walking around the CMNT (inside joke) Shopping Center sticking flyers for an anti-suicide hotline in Laguna Beach in shop windows. We saw Lyz and Crissie. They want me to to the Glenn on Tuesday. If I can find it, that is. @_@! We got Jamba Juice. MMYEAH!
Santana wants us to compare his teachings on news stories to Ms. Hanlon's. I hate that old bat. I know what I'm going to write about first. All the people who are going on independent study. It's a pity I can't interview people in class. Then I could interrogate Lilly.
Ahahaha! Chipper! *snerk* What a funny word. Words. Gina asked me what my favorite names are. I thought hard about this. They rank as follows:
1. Lola
2. Vincent
3. Daniel
4. Marius
5. Christine