Umm...sure...I'll update...

Aug 03, 2007 00:52

So. Soo. If given the chance to meet someone slightly famous, (very famous to me, maybe not so much to others) what would you say to them if given the chance to meet them? Other than asking for their autograph, like every other fan of theirs does, what can you really say to someone who you admire and respect (and also really love their book). That is, if I get the chance. From what I hear, it's craziness.

I think I overuse commas. I'm not sure. English was never my strong point. Anyway, I found this quote which I really like:

Bagels. Buildings. Sunday New York Times that weigh five pounds and take you a week to finish. Get anything delivered at almost any time, day or night, often including less-than-strictly legal items or services (Manhattan only). Cabbies that know where they're going. Subways that get you places. Not needing a car. The Met, the MoMA, the Guggenheim, the Whitney, the AMNH, the AMMI, and those are just the ones of the top of my head. Those crazy street fairs where you go buy socks. Watching people drink deli coffee and then claim to prefer it. Walking fast, talking faster. Patience and Fortitude. Sunset behind Manhattan from the River Cafe. Knowing that SNL is actually filming right across town, so is The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and who knows how many crazy little films and shows and everything. Knowing that you can run into just about anyone. That first crisp fall day. That first big snow storm (and watching the delis run out of milk, cause you might be snowed in for a day - maybe even a day and a half.) That first gorgeous warm sunny spring day.

Finding the things you love about living here and then realizing that they outweigh the things you hate about living here. two day streak of going to bed early is ending. It was fun while it lasted. Working six days a week is not fun, I've come to find out. But what is fun is watching people get so angry about the paper printing wrong movie times. In fact, I can't get enough of it. Angry customers used to really irritate me, but I've come to realize that deep down, I really enjoy it. I often get jealous when I see someone else get an angry customer. I suppose work can bring some joy, though not much.
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