Aug 01, 2007 09:47
So after 5 pm the other day, I was driving to my boyfriends house which happens to be west bound on 70 from my work. I get to about...a little past the Cave Springs exit, when we hit bumper to bumper traffic. Its terrible. really. So as I'm sitting there, inching my stick shift along on the highway, I'm thinking about how easily this could have been avoided if we had the metrolink extended out here. Probably half the people on the highway at that point could have taken it to work and back.
But why didnt they??!?! BECAUSE THEY DIDNT WANT THE ST.LOUIS BLACK POPULATION COMING TO THE SUBURBS AND STEALING THEIR TV'S. WTF. Now, I dont know about you, but if I was on the metrolink, and I saw a man standing there with a skii mask, dressed in black and carrying a 42 tv out of the box, I would figure something is up.
I mean, its not like 1.They are even going to do that. Why would 'gangstas' from Slu want to come to the suburbs to steal stuff. People in St.Ann, and even in Maryland Heights, don't get their tv's stolen. I mean, I know there are statistics there, and black people, for whatever reason, tend to perpetuate the stereotype, but the ignorance in the suburbs is surpassing amazing levels.
2. Don't you think that they would have, i don't know, POLICE or some sort of security on the metro link? HONESTLY. Transportation like this is the reason why cities like Seattle, Chicago, and New York THRIVE. Poor college students could save A BUNDLE on gas money getting to umsl, slu or washu, and anyone could cut back on gas to SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, but no, "I'm too fucking worried about them black people getting through my high tech brinks security and getting my 42 inch plasma screen tv that would be destroyed if they tried to take it." And so the metro link got voted down TWICE. SO FUCK YOU SUBURBS.
YET as it turns out, there was just a huge fucking accident...ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING HIGHWAY. WHY WHY WHY do people do this? These cars weren't in OUR way, you don't know any of the people SO WHY are we fucking slowing down to 5mph to WATCH these strangers misery. NICE.
Then there is my work. It seemed great at first - 9 to 5 office job, with nice bosses, laid back atmosphere, seemed well to do. HOLY FUCKING SHIT WAS I WRONG.
These people are so laid back that they fall backward out of their chair half the time and have no clue what is going on. Probably the biggest reasons why my bosses are nice is because they are sexist bastards and I have huge tits (i've caught them both looking). And seems well to do? Its all about image. These fuckers are so in debt its ridiculous. Fedex cut off their account because they didnt pay, Quicktrip is turning them over to collections, Verizon is going to be turning off the company cell phones (the head 2 people).
The president, TJ, has easily a $4,000 computer, 4 cars (one of which is a 2007 caddy), a diamond studded watch, designer clothes, a boat, is a member of a "duck club" and lives like a lush. HE TAKES THE COMPANIES MONEY. They both do. My boss, Ron, is just as bad. He has a house in Florida, where he goes every other fucking week it seems, and leaves me here to deal with people wanting money. Ron has a huge boat too. and 4 cars, all of which are expensive SUV's. While our company is sinking and I am getting paid a pathetic 8.50 an hour, WITH NO BENEFITS AT ALL. So needless to say, I hate working here.
st. louis,
metro link,