Picspam: Love is lovely

Dec 20, 2010 18:03

Maybe you've seen this meme before because it was quite popular a couple of months ago, but I just knew about it a week or two ago and I thought it was interesting because I guess we all have our favorite and unfavorites pairings. And yes, I cheated a little bit because I made it as a picspam, but whatever. It kind of freaked me out how easily I could think what pairing should be put in each category (that's why I'm a shipping whore), but anyway. Overall it was really nice to make a little tribute to my OTPs, pairings and not-so-favorite pairings.

The title, "Love is lovely", is a quote from UK Skins. Cassie gave the world pretty great quotes so we should be thankful for that :).

Warnings: Vulgar language (I curse a little, but not too much) and I don't intend to offend anyone with my opinions! Remember this is what I think, I don't own the truth or whatever.

#01: Currently favorite pairing

First of all, if you haven't watch Misfits, you should do it right now because it's the best thing in the world! Now, about this lovely pairing... He has the power of invisibility and Alisha sends people into a sexual frenzy when they touch her skin. He feels unnoticed, while she feels everybody notices her because she's pretty. Do you get it? They really are a wonderful pairing, because they complement each other. S/A is all about antonyms and how they want to face the world without the looks and stupid stereotypes that society has created to make us feel wrong and... misfits. Well, that and all the issues that time travel can bring to spice up a little bit their story. This pairing has one of the best love triangle in the world: Present!Simon/Alisha/Future!Simon. Drama, drama and more drama! So it's all about Present!Simon and Alisha (04:10 - 06:22), Alisha and Future!Simon (08:40 - 11:33), P!Simon jealous of F!Simon (11:51 - 12:50), F!Simon jealous of P!Simon, and... *sighs*. Well, guess you get it. Very compelling pairing.

#02: Your first pairing

Do I really need to say something about them? Re-watched Sailor Moon a couple of years ago and I just loved them. I think I would love them even more if I read the manga, because in there Usagi is more mature and her character really develops through the years (maybe someday I will read it). I shipped Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask and Mamoru/Usgi even before I knew what 'shipping' means. These are just too awesome and they represent my childhood.

#03: Pairing you need it to happen right now

I really enjoy Dan/Blair. Love them as frenemies, but I think it would be a good thing to Blair if Dair happen. She needs a little of the Brooklyn experience! Besides, if they hook up, Gossip Girl will be officially the whorest show on TV!

#04: Pairing with the best chemestry

Have you seen Merlin's face when he's talking/staring/stalking/loving Gwaine? His smile is so big and bright that the sun seems nothing compare to it. I don't usually ship slash pairings, but Gwaine/Merlin is so amazing, fun, and obvious, that I ship them. Hard.

#05: Pairing with the worst chemestry

Love them in the books, but... I... WTF IS THIS? Harry/Ginny doesn't work for me because these two reasons: 1) The scripts suck for them. How can I like them or even get why Harry likes her when the only interaction between them happen thanks to the clothes. Seriously, either Harry or Ginny is helping the other to get dress or to tie shoes. And 2) Dan and Bonnie don't have chemestry at all! I think that's why they never give interviews together. It's so obvious they don't even talk to each other. Maybe I'm wrong about the last thing, but I don't know... It seems like that. But this lack of chemestry doesn't make me love any less Harry/Dan and Ginny/Bonnie! Liked them a lot, but not together, hehe.

#06: Best kiss

Beautiful cinematography: check. Great music: check. Powerful dialogue or phrase: Check. Flawless acting: Check. The combination of all these aspects make this kiss so powerful. I think it helps a lot the cinematography and the fact that Luke Pasqualino (Freddie) gives his best performance in this scene (he isn't a terrific actor, but just by watching this scene (3:38 - 6:08) you think he's really good at it). Even if you don't ship Freffy, you'd like a kiss like this.

#07: Most heartbreaking scene

There's a very long list with my 'Heartbreaking Scenes', but I put this because I can feel really happy and joyful or sad, but this always manages to make me cry when I watch it. Tony basically chose his career over Jeanne in season 4 and 5. But we later see he chose to protect Ziva, and basically jeopardized his entire career at NCIS for her. That's something huge for Tiva. Before that episode (6x25: Aliyah), Ziva has been the only one showing his romantic feelings to Tony, while he sends her (and us) very mixed signals. So in this scene he says to her "I love you. I'd risk anything for you, so stop being such an idiot about Michael and Mossad!". And Ziva is confused and angry and sad and of course she reacts like this to his 'confession'. I also love MW and CdP's acting. They blew me away with their voices, the way they move and the intensity of their looks.
#08: Pairing with best baggage

Ari. Jeanne. Michael. Their family issues. Salem. They are the pairing with most drama and emotional troubles I've ever known. And I love them for that. Probably Tiva has won the title of 'Most Dramatic and Significative Quotes and Scenes in a Relationship' and let's ignore season 8, please.
#09: Pairing most believable

I just love how they laugh about themelves, how they face every problem they get, and the slow and pretty healthy build-up of their hooking up. They were my favorite from Friends!

#10: Why aren't they married in real life?

I introduce you to Rob the Knob, Iwan the Funny, Laura Bocca, Antonia Goronia... LOL. Okay, no, but Laura's made up names are so funny! This cast is is freakin' funny. They all seem like a Big One Happy Misfits Family and it's impossible not to like every "pairing" of it (Robert/Iwan, Iwan/Antonia, Nathan/Laura, Robert/Laura, etc.). My favorite is Robert/Antonia though ("When men touch my skin they become very lustful", and then a clip of Robert dry humping her LOL). So I ship them all and I think they should marry with each other and have the very first marriage of five people in the world! I'm crazy if you haven't noticed.

#11: Dream pairing

Loved them sfm! I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy when Denny died and I've just watched the episodes when she sees Denny because of her brain tumor or whenever he appears on the show. They were just amazing and it was so cute to see Izzie's life to get better because of him! This is the kind of love that it makes you do anything for each other, like... 'kill' your lover in order to get him to be top priority for heart transplant. You know, that kind of love. I have to say that this pairing is also in my list of 'Heartbreakig Scenes' because of this scene from episode 2x27: Losing My Religion. Denny/Izzie were so good. The only good thing about GA.

#12: Best wedding/prom

They had not one, but two weddings! They were and are the best pairing of OTH. Have lived through so much difficult stuff, and they keep doing it together. I even still watch One Tree Hill because of them, so yeah, Naley ftw!

#13: Favorite pairing from TV

Doesn't matter if the writers seem to smoke crack  while writing some episodes, I ship them sfm. And I could explain to you why you should ship it as well, I'm not going to because the mini picspam speaks for itself: they're hot. Yeah, they got drama scenes and stuff like that, but for four complete seasons they've been the hottest pairing ever. Besides, it doesn't hurt that Leighton Meester (Blair) and Ed Westick (Chuck) can act and they can burn your TV/screen with their overwhelming chemestry.

#14: Favorite pairing from a book

'Pride & Prejudice' is one of my favorite books and the main reason is them. Darcy/Lizzie are like the classic OTP of the world. Some people think it's kind of corny their story, and yeah, maybe it is, but the moral values that these two represent are what make them my favorite pairing from a book. Jane Austen teaches us how we have to accept we have flaws, that we're not perfect and we don't own the universal truth in our power. Darcy/Lizzie is about that and learing to not be afraid of love when we know it already in our hearts. A plus is that every adaptation of this wonderful book is good and every Darcy/Lizzie is great. Wanted to include some of the mini series (1995), with Colin Firth as F. Darcy, but I couldn't find any good screencaps. Matthew Macfadyen is hot good too though.

#15: Favorite pairing from real life

OMG. RDJ and Susan are the best Hollywood marriage ever! She was there for RDJ when he needed help with his drug addiction and has been for him ever since. What I like about them is that they both are part of Hollywood and they know when it's the time that one or the other has to shine, so they never outshined the other. Besides, they're so cute and adorable and RDJ is so funny showing how much he loves her and she's so amazing to just laugh about how goofy he is! Ship them hard. Hope they never ever get divorced and break my heart.

#16: Favorite pairing from a movie

If you haven't seen Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, then you should do it now. These movie just have two main and almost only characters: Jesse and Celine. And the most brilliant thing about them it's the importance of the dialogue. They talk, talk, talk nonstop. Yeah, Gilmore Girls is nothing compare to them! Jesse and Celine's encounter is very normal, that the build-up of their relationship is so believable, that you feel this is actually happening. They talk about everything and it shows how in just one moment your know your heart is gonna start having space for this new person in your life. It's not like every other movie/tv show/book romance; it feels real because their relationship develops realistically.

#17: Pairing you never thought it could work, but it did

Kind of disliked them on the books and I thought I would on the show because I find them boring. Yeah, you are all alone boo hoo, go to cry to your rooms, babies. But how wrong I was! Stefan is anything but interesting and BAMF, and Elena has her moments; and together they just lighten up my screen and makes me smile like a little girl. Just love them sfm. They're so domestic and I guess they could have happier scenes if it wasn't happening so much screwed up thing in Mystic Falls, but Stefan and Elena manage to have their cute and romantic little moments that show how perfect are for each other. God, I cried so much when they broke up this season in episode 2x06! But they're together again and I'm so happy :). They're truly soulmates.

#18: Cutest pairing

Putting the drama aside, they have some cute and romantic scenes that make me to go "awwwww"! It's so adorable to watch how they're so clueless about their feelings for each other and both are so awkard when trying to show them. Proofs of their cuteness: the Picnic Scene (until Uther and Morgana appear) and Arthur, the Donkey and Gwen. And I have to say that next to their cuteness and their drama, I love the way Arthur looks at Gwen when she's saying something serious (00:39 - 00:58). Come on! Who wouldn't kiss him?! I would gladly!

#19: You knew it was going to happen from the beggining

In the books it was so obvious! But in the tv show... I don't know. I just felt some of their great chemestry and I started to ship them immediately. Even if they hadn't the most stable relationship in the world, I loved how Maria could bring Michael's human side to surface. Michael is so vulnerable and he knows that Maria represents a huge risk in his plan to come back to his planet, because she cares for him and made him feel things he never has allowed to feel before. Fun Fact: fandom calls it Candy because their initials are M&M. Awww, how adorable!

#20: Pairing with the most UST

The King and Queen of UST. No, really. Haven't you feel their UST? Every single time they share a scene, I know my screen is gonna burn because of their fire, even if they just barely look at each other and try to have a 'civilized' conversation. So I say these two must have angry!sex pronto and just get over their UST in every little place of Mystic Falls while I stalk them as a happy Bamon shipper. That sounds so sick, I know, but let me explain the UST of these two. Besides, I know you think the same as me! Since episode 1x07: Haunted, they've been giving us lots of UST. My two three top UST scenes: #3 is for Do it, #2 is Just stay the hell away from me (download link for the scene, couldn't find a youtube video), and the winner, #1 is... Morality Police (until 2:04).

#21: A pairing you like, but nodoby understands why

They're too cute to be true. Never liked Artie/Tina, so when I knew they broke up I was squeeing. I think this pairing works. Don't really know why it does, but I just love them together and I hope they keep being together forever (as forever can it get in Glee). They're my winning Duet.

#22: A pairing you hate, but nobody understands why

Don't hate it, it's just I don't see it. I see Stefan/Elena, I really do, but this two... How fucked up would it be to Damon if he's in a relationship with Elena? No matter what, she still looks like Katherine and he was the one that really loved Katherine (Stefan was compelled). It wouldn't be healthy for him or Elena that relationship, because I'm sure Elena will break his heart (she'll always have deep feelings for Stefan) and I don't even want to think what he'll do. Heartbreaked Damon is scary and kind of fun. They need different people. So... No, I don't ship Delena.

#23: A triangle that works

Pick a pairing of your choice: Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin, Lancelot/Merlin, Gwaine/Arthur, Lancelot/Percival, Gwaine/Lancelot, Arthur/Sir Leon, and any other combination you can think of. Not a love triangle per se, but you also can create any geometrical figure you like: triangle, quadrangle, etc. Infinite possibilities thanks to this groups of hotties. Long live to Shirtless!Arthur!

#24: A triangle that doesn't work

Ron/Hermione/Harry doesn't work for me (as a ~love triangle). I really feel the friendship vibe between Harry and Hermione. They've grown up together, so if they'd develop romantic feelings for each other, as any teenagers, they'd have started to act awkard and stuff like that, but it didn't happen. From movie 1/book 1, we can feel a solid friendship getting strong each year. With Ron and Hermione, it's all the opposite! It's obvious they're in love, and I guess it's normal for Ron being insecure about Harry/Hermione because he's always felt a 'loser' and the second/third choice since forever. Besides, I think H/H would be so boring! They're great friends though :).
#25: An adorable pairing, but they wouldn't work

When everybody said that Bonnie and Jeremy were going to have a love interest, I knew Ben and Jerry's (Beremy) was gonna happen! After my initial reaction (something like this), I started to find them adorable and it's a good thing to watch Jeremy more confident and Bonnie opening up about how she feels without her Grams and about magic. But... I don't know. I don't think they're gonna last too much. Just sayin'. My gut tells me that Ben and Jerrey's will be over before season 2 ends.

#26: Pairing you hated it and you ended up loving it

Every show needs two leads hooking up and it was obvious these two were gonna start to have feelings for each other, but I never thought I'd like them as much as I do. Episode 2x15: Jacksonville showed me how perfect it is this pairing. These two have so many issues with their pasts that the synergy when they share emotional scenes is breathtaking. Now with all this alternative universe thing, I'm holding my breath about this pairing. And as Olivia said in 1x01 about Peter: "Sounds like a massive pain in the ass". Yeah, it is, but it's the drama what makes Peter/Olivia work for me.

#27: Pairing you loved it and you ended up hating it

I've always liked Lancelot/Guinevere in every movie, tv show and story from the Arthurian Legends. Add to that Santiago Cabrera as Lancelot and I'm there, shipping it like an idiot! But series 2 of Merlin happened. The cuteness of Arthur/Gwen appear in front my eyes and in 2x04 Lancelot was so chessy and... I don't ship them anymore. It's Lancelot/me, you know.

#28: Pairing you will never understand why they're together

I think Finn's quote pretty much sums it why I don't understand this pairing. They really hurt each other in almost every episode! It's like Rachel and Finn don't learn from their mistakes, because they keep and keep pulling the same bullsh** on each other every single time they can. Don't like them together at all, but I guess this is one of the iconic Glee pairings and it'll be endgame, so... whatever. I can stand them so I'm fine, but I don't understand why Ryan Murray thinks they're like soulmates or something.

#29: Best firt encounter

Good dorama + great actors + beautiful clothes and exterior scenes = Must Watch. Add to the equation Lee Min Ho the 'Best first encounter' scene in the world! Seriously, it's so freakin' funny (03:15 - 06:47).
#30: Your OTP forever and ever

Seven books. Seven eight movies. Seven years of Hogwarts. It's Ron and Hermione. Hermione and Ron. I will ship them always and forever, until the day I die. Amen.
Thank you for your time! Comments are always welcomed and much appreciated :).

tv: merlin, books: harry potter, anime: sailor moon, movies: harry potter, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: roswell, tv: glee, movies: before sunrise, - picspam, tv: misfits, movie: before sunset, tv: skins, movie: pride and prejudice, tv: friends, tv: the vampire diaries, tv: ncis, dorama: personal taste, tv: gossip girl, tv: one tree hill, tv: fringe

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