Medium: TV Show
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s)/Pairing: Dean Winchester
Title: Think Twice
Summary: There isn't any summary. Just the type of music Dean would listen to while driving on the road.
Notes: Este es un regalo para
ssundaymorning de navidad muy atrasado. Sí, es indecente la fecha en que te lo estoy dando, pero recién ahora he podido ponerme a hacer los regalos navideños. Quise hacerte un fanmix de Dean porque fue lo que más me gsutó de tu lista. Traté de incluir bandas que tal vez no has escuchado, pero siento que finalmente el resultado fue que según el estado emocional del momento, Dean llegaría a escuchar mientras conduce el Impala y Sam desea cambiar la música xD. El artwork es muy simple, lo siento por ello, pero photoshop y yo hemos peleado. ¡Espero que te guste de todos modos!
ZIP (46,1 MB)
o1. Ready to start Arcade Fire
Now I'm ready to start
I would rather be wrong
Than live in the shadows of your song
My mind is open wide
And now I'm ready to start
o2. Symphaty for the Devil The Rolling Stones
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
(woo woo, woo woo)
o3. Where did Jesus go? The Pretty Reckless
Where did Jesus go?
Where did Jesus go?
Where did Jesus go?
He disappeared
o4. Killing in the name of Revenge Against the Machine
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
o5. Holidays in the sun Sex Pistols
Claustrophobia there's too much paranoia
There's too many closets so when will we fall
And now I gotta reason,
It's no real reason to be waiting
The Berlin Wall
if you are downloading it, comments are appreciated :).