[28] LOST (Assorted seasons, Minor Spoilers for "The Lie") [5] Life [4] Pushing Daisies [10] Stargate SG1/SGA [9] BSG [7] Michelle Rodriguez & Matthew Fox photoshoots [2] Matthew Fox Photoshoot poster
WOW I haven't posted in forever!! Sorry 'bout that. I hope you guys like the new stuff. Most of these have been sitting on my comp since over winter break. The really colorful stuff is more recent and of course the newest Lost icons were done in practically a day, which accounts for the weird look, lol. I *might* do some new BSG for a later post. Tonight's ep was pretty cool...but you know what? I like outdoor shots more than indoor shots...BSG has a LOT of indoor shots and I really don't know what to do with them sometimes. So I admire all you iconers who make those indoor shots look like gorgeous outdoor shots. Props to you.