Just felt like posting a bit of my life on the net again..

Jan 03, 2005 22:12

Firstly and foremost, I'd like to establish that the lyrics from the previous post does NOT reflect my mood nor anything related to me..
Except maybe my music mood... and they're damn good songs because of their lyrics, the music and yea..haha just old faves =)

Another year has passed me by and I'm feeling a hell of a lot better.
Despite the fact I'm single, I'm less bound by the past and feeling alot more free.
S'not bad bein in the lonely driver's club..lots of freedom but yea, miss being with someone now and then but nothing as bad as before.
Dunno why..I know being single has so much freedom but i guess somethings i just miss..but i guess for now i can live without it

Study wise, it's alright i suppose
HD, P, P, F.
I really can't stand electronics. It just bugs me..
Maybe if i studied more on it, I probably would've done alot better than a F haha
But yea, I hope that I can still transfer either now or midyear
Wishful thinking's always fun

I haven't really been doing anything exciting these hols..nothing spectacular
Just a trip away with friends (or Fisting trip according to jubs/dev/kuji...bastards =P), basketball, chilling at home, chilling with friends, having dinner/lunch whatever with em. Drinking here n there, playing pool. S'all good in the good life.

On a side note, my mum's now home so hopefully I can get my Ps sometime soon.
Didn't really get anything great this year from her..just a wireless mouse..japanese beer...Boss deoderant..and some annoying macca's toy. But with the good there's the bad...not AS much freedom as before, nagging returned..and etcetera..

Currently, I've been playing a game called Final Fantasy XI.
Made a couple friends in there, got one friend into it, met one i know (leenabeans) and just having fun.
It's a challenge, so much better than Ragnarok Online. I was going to turn this LJ into a fictional journal of my character's tales but then again..I'm lazy haha.
So far I've leveled my White Mage (30), Black mage (15) and Summoner (20) jobs, and I'm planning to make my Summoner the main job, with White Mage as a subjob to help heal and all that.
Right now I'm collecting more friends for my lil atomic squirrel, called Carbuncle. And today I lost to Shiva..damnit i was so close too...but ah well, have to wait for tomorrow to beat her up again.
Now i'm just making some money, gotta upgrade my equipment, buy supplies n all this stuff.

So yea, that's pretty much what I've been upto so far..
Just got back home from chilling with my friend, Fai. Kicking some ass at pool...racking up cash..y'know..
okay we sucked but hey we had fun haha
And who know's what the future holds?
Stay tuned to another episode of..

As Vana'diel Turns!

...or just go to www.google.com and find something else to do =P

P.S. Updated the lyrics so it's more obvious with some..or someone will eventually google the lyrics >
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