Thanks to Dev, my Intro to Mechan and Mechatron assign, no beers (*sniff* =[) and lack of sleep..
I've put myself in the line of fire for insults, abuse, ridicule or even the possibility of affection (w00t!)
according to my stats:
You are hotter than 87% of men on this site!
i got a couple of 9s, alot of 7s, few 4,5 and 8s no 3s but i think one or two have voted me 1-2 =(
Bored? Got nothing better to do?
Go and vote people and be bored with nothing better to do!
Have safe fun boys and girls
P.S: vote for me! me a 10 cuz i know where you people live =P
P.P.S: Yes i know..being hotter than 87% of men on that site is NOT an achievement...or on any site for that matter =[ I apologize for this and I wish to pull out of the special internet olympics =(