Who said Astrology was wrong?

Jul 18, 2005 16:45

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller

Of all the signs, you've had some of the most difficult aspects over the past two years. In true Capricorn spirit, you bore your plight with courage and grace. Now, the heavy cloud cover lifts, ending a very challenging period. A feeling of renewal, optimism, and relief will follow. You have surmounted formidable odds against mind, body, or spirit (or all three). Now that you are finished with your cosmic test, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for having overcome it all so well. You now know you are stronger than you ever suspected. In the years ahead, you will use what you learned in the past two years to set up a firmer foundation for your life.

The reason you have every reason to believe that life will take a powerful change for the better has to do with the move of taskmaster Saturn out of Cancer (a sign that lies six signs away from yours) on July 16. Saturn has been challenging you from just about every angle since June 2003.

No doubt about it, having had Saturn in 180-degree opposition to your birth sign has been no picnic. Saturn is your ruling planet, so you tend to deal with Saturn periods better than most. Still, even you, a stoic Capricorn, were probably hard pressed to maintain a cheery outlook during at least part of this phase.

There are many ways you might have felt this aspect. Most relationships proved to be a thorn in the side. Some members of your sign discovered radical differences in regard to a close partner, and those differences either drove you apart or, working through them, closer together.

Other Capricorns maintained a strong and healthy relationship with their partner, but were very worried about their partner's health or other life challenges that their partner was going through. Other Capricorns, who had no partner, had to take on a very heavy responsibility for a family member, most likely that of father or another male relative.

Wherever you looked there seemed to have been someone in need, and you seemed to be the only one available to help. As you struggled to do your best, you began to notice that there were precious few who were there to comfort you. You are never one to complain, but at times it would have been nice to have a helping hand.

Saturn isolates whatever it touches, and so if you were in a happy relationship, there seems to have been a reason that you and your partner had to be apart. This could have happened not because you weren't getting along (you were), but because life events got in the way. Your partner may have been in a university program, traveling for business much more than usual, or required to live far away, perhaps even in another state or country temporarily. In short, Saturn is famous for creating forced separations.

Saturn's job is to increase your sense of independence and authority, so Saturn will create any kind of circumstances it has to in order to create the effect he is after. By now you have realigned your goals, and have found a new sense of purpose. You will begin to bounce back, especially when you see that each day brings better, brighter news.

Having Saturn opposite your Sun sometimes lowers your own health, and the areas you may have had difficulty could have been your teeth or bones, your knees, eyes, or stomach. If you did have a health concern, with Saturn moving away from its opposition to your Sun, you should start to see renewed health.

If your birthday falls late in the sign, from January 12 - 19, you have felt Saturn's influence very recently. Capricorns born prior to January 12 have paid their dues last year, or during the second half of 2003. Saturn will not be back to oppose your sign again for twenty-nine years - there is no fear that you will face a replay of anything similar any time soon.

This month you will have a beautiful new moon in the same area of your chart, the seventh house. It is set to arrive on July 6 and will send you two weeks of superb energy. This friendly, surprising new moon could help you reverse many of your past disappointments. If you feel ready to try again by merging energies with another person, whether in a romantic or the business sense, you will have your chance.

This new moon will send a beam to Uranus, the planet of surprise, so a business contract may materialize very quickly and in surprising fashion, and before you know it, you may be talking about signing papers.

If there is a possibly of your getting engaged or married, you may give or accept a proposal - possibly rather impulsively! Capricorn is innately cautious and practical, so there is no need for me to caution you to slow down - I think you've been in that mode for years, and you may be ready to take decisive action! Use your instinct, dear Capricorn. With Pluto in your house of intuition, so well angled to Mars, your hunches will be right on the money.

Still, there is one day that may cause you to wonder if your relationship woes truly are over. The time when Saturn conjuncts the Sun and opposes the full moon, near July 21-23, will be a test of faith. It could be depressing. The more realistically you have viewed the situation, the less likely you will need to make an adjustment from fantasy to reality. The full moon will fall in Capricorn, heightening your emotions.

Last month we had a full moon in Capricorn on June 22, and this month the moon will reach fullness on July 21. All full moons have an area of influence of plus or minus four days. If you were born near December 22, last month's full moon carried a bigger message. If your birthday falls closer to January 19, then the full moon falling this month will bring your main message. All Capricorns will find both important, though. I just worry that news may be depressing, perhaps because any illusions you have been harboring will crumble.

We all need to keep our eyes on reality, but this could be case of too much reality, too soon, because it will be heaped on you all at once. Keep reminding yourself this is the last of it. Even though this full moon on July 21 falls a few days after Saturn leaves Cancer on July 16, Saturn will only be a few steps out the door - alas, close enough to be a factor at the full moon. Each day will bring Saturn further away. This full moon ends so much anguish. Keep your health up to par, as this part of the month could be draining.

When Saturn moves on into your eighth house of other people's money from July 16, 2007 to September 2, 2007, you will need to keep an eye on joint resources. Still, compared to your recent circumstances, you will find the coming two years far easier. We will discuss Saturn's new position in more detail next month, but for now, know that you will likely have to set up financial controls and methods to handle different types of contingencies in the coming two years. You should plan to join any discussion that has to do with your finances, and don't rely on others to make decisions for you.

This month, with Neptune opposing Venus and Mercury, you may find that certain details of financial deals will be veiled and require closer inspection. Don't be too shy to ask the hard questions if something does not add up.

Saturn does not act with the same power and strength in each house of the horoscope. Any planet will act in stronger, more concentrated ways when found on the north-south-east-west angles of a horoscope - specifically the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses. You had Saturn in the seventh house of partnerships for two years. When Saturn moves into your eighth house, he will move off those sensitive angles and become somewhat more manageable, and his influence will be a bit less likely to invade other areas of your life.

Keep in mind that Mercury will retrograde in this, your financial area, from July 22 to August 15. You will feel the slowdowns that Saturn is famous for bringing much sooner than July 22, perhaps a week or two earlier. It would not be wise to sign important papers during a Mercury retrograde period because it is likely that you won't have all the information you need to make an informed decision. The old astrological adage is that agreements done in writing or even verbally while Mercury is out of phase will almost always have to be renegotiated later.

If anyone owes you money, begin reminding him or her that you expect a check early in the month. You could find that checks are delayed.

Home will continue to be a big area of focus this month, too. You may be making simple changes ("I really have to change the color of the living room!") to big, life-altering ones ("I can't live with you any more! I am moving out!"). If no changes are going on at home, your parents may need special help from you. No matter what is on your agenda, if you act early in the month, you'll be pleased with your progress!

Mars will be in a jovial mood, and send Pluto, Venus, and Mercury happy missives, especially at the time of the full moon, July 21. You might be buying or selling property, getting news about a new mortgage or refinancing plan, or having talks with family that go exceedingly well. I know - that date comes perilously close to Mercury's turn to retrograde. Remember, the earlier you can pull things together this month, the better!

Before I go, let me tell you that your best weekend will be July 16-17. Mars will chase Venus around the zodiac and catch her in a great embrace. Now we're talking!

By the time Mars makes it into Taurus and your house of true love on July 28, you'll find you get all the attention from a romantic partner that you deserve. When Mars enters Taurus, the Red Planet is about to herald a HUGE new trend for fun and love for Capricorn. We will talk about this at length next month! For now, celebrate the weekend that Saturn leaves Cancer, July 16!


Saturn is your ruling planet, so as a Capricorn, you tend to deal better with Saturn's lessons of practicality, maturity, and responsibility than any other zodiac sign. Even so, even you have to admit the past two years have been unusually challenging, especially in regard to one key relationship.

At some point since June 2003, you may have needed to help a partner through a tough patch, or you may have had to decide what to do about a partner who became distant and detached. If you cared deeply for your partner, you must have been motivated to find solutions, so events worked to strengthen your bond, despite the difficulties you both faced. If you had doubts about your relationship's future, then conversely, these challenges probably tore you apart. Your health may have suffered too, so life could have felt overwhelming at times, even for you, a stoic Capricorn. Now Saturn will leave this difficult position on July 16 and move on to Leo. No matter what's next, life will become noticeably easier.

There will be one more serious relationship decision to make, on the full moon in Capricorn on July 21, plus or minus four days. It will be a sobering day. If your birthday falls in the third week of January, you will feel this full moon even more than most. While this day will mark an ending, it will also mark a beginning, too. From now on, you have a new appreciation of who you are and all that you are capable of accomplishing.

With Saturn set to move into Leo mid-month, you will need to keep your eye on joint financial arrangements and be present in all talks. It would not be wise to allow others to make financial decisions for you, even if they are trusted advisors. Ask questions - with Saturn in your financial house, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to accurately anticipate all your wishes. Saturn will remain in Leo until September 2007, so you are looking at a long trend. If you are in the midst of a divorce, you may encounter problems on how to best divide communal property. If you are due alimony or child support, or are in business and depend on receiving timely client checks, have contingency plans, should payments not arrive on time.

Your residential situation appears to be in flux, too. This month you may move house, buy or sell property, or change your decor at home. If you have ever wanted to redo your space to reflect the "real you," this month brings all the right conditions to bear. While you feel so fired up and filled with enthusiasm, start to draw up plans. If no changes are going on at home, your parents may need special help from you. Good news about this part of your life may come to you near July 20-21.

Mercury will be retrograde from July 22 to August 15, so you may encounter many delays later in the month. If you can avoid signing papers during this period, put things off until next month.
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