Good times....with a few bad thrown in.

Feb 07, 2011 22:46

Wow what a couple of weeks.

Starting off with the bad news. HMV are closing stores throughout England, and despite out regional manager not believing ours would be one of them due to is. We were told a week last Wednesday, and we closed a week yesterday. Didn't really give us much notice...about 4 days.  Sucks. You never believe that you get so close to a store that on what you believe your last day is you sit outside the store after closing and cry with your manager holding your hand and crying too. But yes that is what I did.

Now we have to clear out the store. I was under the impression it would have been done by the time I got back from holiday but not as easy as head office like to believe to clear out a store that big properly. The other issue is that there are two open vaccancies at the only HMV store left in Nottingham and I have applied for it. To start off with I thought I would try and use this as a sign for doing something different..but I really can't see myself sitting behind a desk all day right now, and I love running around the store. I also surprisingly enjoy it despite the frustrations of the public, head office and or course christmas. Lets just hope my manager's confidence in me is helpful in this matter.

Last week however I was on holiday. A bunch of us that couldn't afford the con this year met up in Glasgow. It was a good time. Stayed up until 5 in the morning on the first night...which is not usual for me at all. I'm very used to early nights and early evident from the fact that both me and Ape still got up at about 10 in the morning the next day whilst most other were still asleep. We visited Edinborough Zoo which was cool, haven't been to one for years. Cold and windy and it dd rain but it was still cool.

I got drunk a couple of times though, which was nice as it didn't result in sickness for me at any point. I was being monitered though to an extent lol. Was much fun though, and it was wonderful seeing them all again. Missed Dre but can't have em all.

xena, xenites, glasgow

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