Aug 22, 2006 20:24
Okay, I know I haven't updated in a while.. and quite a lot of shit has gone down o-0
I was in the hospital for six hours Sunday afternoon/evening (from about 3-9). It felt seriously like I was having a heart attack (they're not uncommon in my family) so we went to B-ville because I don't trust the doctors here to properly treat/diagnose a stubbed toe.
To make a long story short - I have inflamation of the cartilidge that connects my ribs to my breastbone. They're not exactly sure what causes it, but it seems to happen during times of physical stress. Mary (my doc) misdiagnosed that as panic attacks, which isn't uncommon to do..
Also, I have contact dermititis; my body had a reaction to an irritant such as laundry detergent, soap, etc, which caused an irritating rash - completely noncontagious.
Lastly, I have a UTI - Urinary Track Infection.
Fun, huh?
I still don't know why my neck/left shoulder blade has been hurting/pinching. I went to the chiropractor and he said that it should've been better after he adjusted me.. but it kind of isn't..
Oh, I also tore the ligament in my right ankle.. again. I'm not sure if I posted that last time or not. I'm in a 'moon boot' for another week.. or well, until Friday.
I have an appointment with Mary Monday unless I have to go in sooner because my meds don't work. One of them (can't remember) said that if I wasn't feeling better within 3 days to go back in.. and my chest seems to have not changed much.
I've been really tired since I started one set of pills (Prednizone, for anyone who's taken them and know what I'm talking about, exhaustion-wise). I passed out after I got home from school today.
Oh yeah, I also might have the beginning of an ulcer - hopefully one of the meds I'm on will help take care of that..
I think Amanda is angry with me.. we sort of fought last night.. I think. I was laughing with my brother and Christy (his fiance that has moved her wtih us *twitch*) and she just sort of stopped talking to me. I've texted and called her and haven't heard anything back. One of her friends I talked to said that they saw her truck at school, but not her. I'm sort of worried.. Not only about us, but her..
Amanda, I would be greatly comforted to hear from you, angel.. I really am worried..