If you haven't heard of the Debbie Shanks case, take a gander at
You have to give props to Wal-Mart for being so secure in its hold over the general public that it honestly doesn't care how evil it looks. Even a mostly evil corporation would at least make concessions on this one case in order to avoid a public relations firestorm.
But not Wal-Mart. Nope! Wal-Mart is SO fucking evil they don't care about public opinion at all. Their cabal of demonic executives are probably sitting in some subterranian lair right now, supping on lamb's blood served on the breasts of nubile young virgins, laughing at this whole controversy and how easily it'll all blow over because millions of people enjoy buying cheap merchandise too much to do anything about it. The fact that Wal-Mart has such a terrible record with regards to how it treats employees, and yet continues to earn ever larger piles of money, is proof of this.
Oh, and I'm by no means an advocate of serial murder, but if ever you were looking for anything to fill you with a violent hatred of humanity, just read the comments at the end of the CNN story linked above. I'm talking specifically about the people who support Wal-Mart's position. "Well, the rules are the rules," they say. Because, as we all know, what's legal must always take precedent over what's right.
Where's Batman when you need him?