(no subject)

May 10, 2007 09:33

Last night I got to bed a bit later than I wanted, but things were ok until 5:11 AM when Dante began his ritual meowing for attention. This time I got up and put him directly in the basement, which should have solved the problem, but I couldn't really fall back asleep. Then, Carys woke up for no apparent reason at 6:30. The house was quiet, she was barely even wet, and she'd gone to bed late...wtf, I say.

Despite my precautions about LOST, I think I read a spoiler on SF that maybe shouldn't have been where it was. :/ I did get second place, for now, though, on the quiz today.

Anyway, here's a warmup meme for this morning stolen from nc_bookworm:

1. Male friend: Besides Wes, probably tedow.
2. Female friend: swert

1. Time of day: Late afternoon.
2. Day of the Week: Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
3. Food: Brussels sprouts, maybe?
4. Memory: A handful of memories associated with various breakups.

1. Person you saw: A co-worker.
2. Talked to on the phone: Wes.
3. Text: Jason.
4. IMed: grimbil
5. Message over Facebook: Don't have FaceBook...the last person I PM'ed with at Snarkfest was NySoul.

1. What are you doing now: Besides this meme, waiting for my boss to arrive so that we can do the news clips project that I'll be continuing in Maine.
2. What are you wearing right now?: Khakis and a blue shirt and Chacos.
3. Better than yesterday: Remains to be seen. Probably will be about the same, except that we will probably make salsa and watch LOST tonight.

1. Is: work, again.
2. Got any plans: Cleaning up my home email and computer files, perhaps?
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: I'm not in Maine yet.

1. Is: tomorrow. See above.
2. Got any plans: Nope, but happy wedding molliewollie!

1. Number: 9
2. Song: (that I listened to so far today) "Melinda" by James McMurtry.
3. Color: Green
4. Season: Summer

1. Missing someone: Always
2. Mood: anxious
3. Wanting: a new computer

I am a cuddler: I don't know, actually. I don't have a good basis of comparison. I like contact, but I can get saturated with it.
I am a morning person: Yes
I am a perfectionist: No
I am an only child: No
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: Suffering? No.
I can be paranoid at times: No
I enjoy country music: I used to think that I didn't. But I enjoy cheesy country (in limited amounts) in an ironic fashion, and I genuinely like some "country" like the Texas tri-named boys Robert Earl Keen and Jerry Jeff Walker, plus Johnny Cash, of course, Emmylou Harris, and James McMurtry that I mentioned above. So commercial country? Not really, but folk/indie country? Yes.
I enjoy talking on the phone: Yes
I had a hard time paying attention at school: No
I have a hidden talent: Doubtful
I'm hopeless: Natch.
I have at least one brother and/or sister: Yes, younger brother
I have been told that I am attractive: Yes
I have broken a bone: Nope
I have changed a diaper: Hoo-boy, yes.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: No
I have had major/minor surgery: wisdom teeth
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months: No, and it needs it.

carys sleep

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