(no subject)

Dec 03, 2006 13:34

Briefly, briefly. Just finishing another morning at le coffee shop; I have just figured out that I need to go home and print out a bunch of stuff in order to be able to complete my last ~1.25 hour of work. Too much switching between windows otherwise, which would equal slow learning, frustration, and very little accomplished. I'm into the meat of the work now, which is good but I have to say that it's not terribly exciting. Data entry, whee.

I blew entirely too much time reading the Snarkfest drama and the new board over the past week, and have a number of tasks to catch up on. The week went really well, but apparently the stress of the babysitting on W/R/F got to Carys and she's come down with a fever and an increase in her chest congestion, AGAIN. Argh! I feel so, so sorry for her. She can't sleep properly and clearly feels punked out. Poor baby. I am struggling with a couple of minor health complaints, myself, and it just feels like poo all around. I want her to be well. :(

Plans are made for the in-laws to be here again at the end of the month, yay! (I mean that. Not only does Carys have extra people to play with that really enjoy her, they are going to actually enable us to get some things done around the house that we were unprepared to do last time. We are lame, but this time we will strive to be less lame.)

Ok, home, see if baby needs another nap before 3 sometime...I think if she naps I will get the newsletter to the printer, and do my work tonight. If she does not nap, I'll have to do both after her bedtime.

Oh, we are also doing really well restricting our spending on food. We're holding ourselves to one individual lunch "out" per week, and one dinner "out" (or takeaway) together per week. More grocery spending results, but that's much more efficient overall. We discovered that last year we spent about $208 per week on eating out, and that is significantly less than the previous years when we did not have Carys to inhibit our going out. *is embarrassed* Since we want to gain the maximum income out of me working, cutting back on weak justifications of ordering in will really help. We're also stepping up the use of debit cards for minor expenses so that we can track them more easily.

Finally - since vwlphb didn't see my earlier posts and needed to ask me, if I've recently defriended you and you are wondering why, either see my response to her on my last public post or just ask/email! In a nutshell, I couldn't keep up with LJ and also lost the net time per week that I had to do so...I will refriend everyone + some more as soon as I feel that I can. (Although as soon as I get a smidge more time, I'm going back to SF and SF chat more often!! *g*) In the meantime, I definitely miss my more robust friends and communities list.

carys health, work

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