(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 09:47

I need to rethink my week plan.

Mondays and Tuesdays are the same old "open" days as they used to be. That means I need to do household business. Carys's naps are still not terribly useful, but if I plan ahead I should at least be able to do bills and balance a couple of accounts. I am going to try to do this tonight (Tuesday) but in the future I think I will move finances to Monday.

Ok, so let's try this:

Monday day: open
Monday nap: finances
Monday PM: LJ catchup (+ Heroes if new)

Tuesday day: groceries, open
Tuesday nap: misc household business
Tuesday PM: email catchup

Wednesday day: music class, babysit Owen, work, chiro
Wednesday nap: working
Wednesday PM: ? (+ Lost if new)

Thursday day: nanny/work
Thursday nap: working
Thursday PM: early bedtime, most likely

Friday day: nanny/work
Friday nap: working
Friday PM: LJ catchup (+ BSG if new)

Saturday day: swim class (only one more), open
Saturday nap: misc household business
Saturday PM: Snarkfest catchup

Sunday day: work, open
Sunday nap: working
Sunday PM: scrapbook/webpage

...um, ok. I am having trouble coming up with categories of items of I really need to do. There are several short term tasks, like finishing the Yule mailing list (dear god, is it that time already?) and other holiday preparations, but what I'm looking for is ongoing stuff. I guess if I leave Tuesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon as "household business" and Wednesday night as flex time, that will do.

Poor baby girl caught another cold...she had a slightly better night (or I did, not sure which) but still woke up crying around 3 AM and woke up early (6:30ish). So I put her back down to sleep this morning rather than deal with very probable crankiness while I try to vote and find a library book. Plan is to head out to that area (voting is right next to library) when she wakes up, and if we can also make 11 AM story hour, so much the better. Wes is going to try to come home right out of his 1 PM meeting in Crystal City - he didn't get to vote, and I could use the support dealing with sick baby. That usually ends around 3:30. I am not sure if she will nap again, but there's no denying she needs the sleep right now.

Wonder if I should gamble with making some coffee/tea and sitting down to the friendspage?

Fall colors are really gorgeous on the streets, although they're passing quickly.

weekplan, carys health, work, carys general

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