(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 15:49

Notes from the trenches.

* Wes lost track of how long he's been off work. He was saying that he wanted to go in and discuss his schedule "next week" until I reminded him that next week is Thanksgiving. He did talk briefly to his main boss today on the phone, and he said that they could work with him on a 3-day per week schedule in December. Whee! :)

* No word from my brother on coming for Thanksgiving weekend. Drat. That's really disappointing. It's partly because his wife saves up her vacation days to spend the maximum time in Mexico over Christmas. That's totally understandable, but if I were in her shoes I'd totally be negotiating for more vacation time. She has a kind of horribly boring job and they've made several concessions to her already in terms of grad school and salary in order to keep her. But she has trouble asserting herself sometimes. I personally place a very high value on making the effort towards in person visits, especially around special events, so it's hard for me not to be hurt by this. But it's going to be an issue forever if I make it one, so I'm trying not to. But this also means that since we have never spent much time in the same place, our spouses (my brother's and mine) STILL don't know each other very well.

* Baby care still going well. I am quite accustomed to cloth diapers now and they're posing no problem. Carys still has a small rash from acidic poop, but no other rashes or problems. Breastfeeding is becoming more comfortable, and in general I like that too. I need to step up the pumping and get her on a few more bottles.

* We made it out to the David LaMotte concert in Frederick, MD on Friday, but despite the fact that it was in a small cafe, it was too loud for the baby to be in the same room. :( We traded off stints in the green room to be with her - fortunately we could still hear. We did get a few extra words with David due to that, though!

* Got tickets for the Reel Moms showing of Harry Potter next Tuesday at the Old Town Theatre...w00t! We'll see how that goes. If it totally sucks, we might still trade off babysitting with Annie and Rob, our neighbors, in order to see it "for real." Looks like our first attempt at a babysitter might be for Wes's Envision holiday party on the 9th. Not sure how I feel about it, but I would love to get out for a free fancy meal.

* Went to Jazzercise for the first time yesterday. Did low impact for the cardio section. It was fine except that I have to be careful of the impact on the ol' boobs. Rather tender. I look forward to working back into shape. I'm still basically where I was pre-pregnancy, with some slightly different bulges, but I am not in as good cardio shape and could obviously use some toning.

Must go and monitor our mid-day meal thing. Not lunch, not dinner. Then I get to do the grocery shopping alone while Carys has daddy time.

carys health, carys general

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