Title : Before I Warbled 1/8
Characters : Blaine, Wes, David, OC-Dalton Boys, OC-faculty
Rating : PG-13 I guess for some language and older-ish themes
Words : 1000
Summary : It's pre-Dalton Blaine, Wes, and David. NOTBlaine has taken Blaine's place after a visit home. Wes and David need to discover why
Warnings : Some language, some angst
OT It's my first fic so be kind. Let me know what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right. Constructive criticism is appreciated and encouraged.
Disclaimer : Not a part of Glee in any way, shape or form
Proper uniform appearance is mandatory at the exclusive Dalton Academy, a fact that is drummed into all the students their first week at the all boy school.
So a loose tie on Dalton boy can be spotted pretty quickly and the situation rectified within minutes.
A loose tie on Blaine however stuck out like a spotlight through a dense fog and they both spot it from 30 feet away.
Blaine was standing in the door way of the coffee room and both their eyes saw nothing but the loose tie.
"I'm dreamin right?"
"If you are, then I am too and that," Wes pointed at the offending neck wear, "is never in my dreams of the three of us."
Wes and David quickly exited their seats and make a bee line for their friend at the door.
"Haha good one Blaine." Wes said as the two boys approach their friend.
"What?" Blaine responded blankly, lacking the usual cherubic like innocence in his tone when he's pulling a joke.
"Man that must have been one helluva weekend trip home." David guessed as he reached to fix the offending tie.
Hands shoot up and grab the approaching limbs by the wrist, stopping their forward movement. "Wha-what are you doing?" an edged voice stuttered.
"Dude. Blaine. Your tie." David sputtered out, startled in equal parts by the tone of voice and the halting of physical contact.
"What about it?" Blaine questioned dropping the grip on his friend and tugging the tie tight. There's a tone and timber to the young man's voice that make his two friends shoot a quick look at each other with their eyes.
"Are you alright?" David asked, concern lacing his tone.
"I'm fine." The stock answer came.
"Really dude? Cuz you don't seem fine. Who are you and what have you done with the real Blaine?" Wes tried to inject some humor into the situation.
When he stepped in closer to the other boy, Blaine appeared to move back. A flinch?
"Whatever. I gotta go."
The two boys watched as their normally lovable and charming friend turned 180 and practically stomped off, his heels clicking heavily on the marble floor.
"No, seriously. Who was that and what did he do with the real Blaine?" Wes questioned.
"You got me because there was nothing endearing about that guy. That NOTBlaine." David answered rubbing each of his wrists were the aforementioned 'NOTBlaine' had grabbed him. "I mean he looked like Blaine and he sounded like Blaine and he stomped like Blaine used to. But still, NOTBlaine."
"You get any weird texts or calls while he was at home?" Wes checked while going through the messages on his phone for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
"Of course I did. But they were Blaine weird. Everything was normal."
"Well something's going on and I don't like it." Wes said, pocketing his phone.
"It's a mystery all right. And looks like we gots to solve it. Scooby-style?" David questioned.
"Scooby-style." Wes and David fist bumped in agreement.
"Rut-ro Rave."
"Zoinks Wes. To the Mystery Machine." David made a move towards the door but is stopped by his friend.
"We got class in ten minutes."
"To the World Geography Machine then." David jumped on Wes's back as Wes headed out the door.
"Wait. Dude. You have dreams about the three of us?" David's question is drowned out by the first warning bell.
"Scooby-style's not working." Wes plopped down next to David in the cafeteria, their food trays bumping together.
They both notice the absence of their third friend.
"Well you didn't find any clues." David challenged.
"You were supposed to leave the little 'Blaine Action Figure, now with Dalton Accessories', on the diagram to the food court I drew for him to find." Wes countered.
"Which I did, but NOTBlaine must have avoided the trap door." David checkmates.
"Dude. I'm worried." Wes semi-whispered.
"I know man. I almost called his mom for some 411 about the weekend but I didn't want to cuz no drama." David confided.
"Good thinking. But...we should probably save that scenario if we have to go Armaggedon-style."
David threw his friend a confused look.
"All hope is lost but here's a crazy scheme that just might work and it does." Wes explained with disbelief.
"Oh. Right. Sorry man. NOTBlaine must be jammin our brain waves." David grimaced. "Do you realize it's been almost three days since I hugged the little hobbit."
Wes threw an arm around his friend in sympathy.
"I'm gonna start going through withdrawls soon. I can not not hug Blaine. He's too cuddly."
"Hang in there man. We'll banish NOTBlaine back to his parallel dimension, get the real Blaine back and then you can hug the stuffings out of him." Wes offered.
"And if we don't, you're gonna have to Krav Maga the stuffings outta NOTBlaine and then we'll burn his evil carcass on the planet of Ewoks ala Darth Vader cuz even though he's evil, we can still feel the good in him."
"Whoa man. Return of the Jedi-style is the absolute final last last LAST resort." Wes cautioned. "It's not gonna come to that."
"I know dude. Brain waves are jammed. Hug withdrawl." David groaned.
"Here. Take my lightsaber."
"Wes. That's a pickle on a stick." David deadpans while taking the odd food item.
"Whatever dude. Think of a new plan. Something to crack the case. And this meatloaf." Wes speared his lunch.
"Law and Order-style?" David offered.
"Law and Order SBU-style." Wes countered.
"Special Blaine Unit?" David confirmed.
"Special Blaine Unit." Wes and David fist bumped, each making the characteristic "DUN DUN" sound of the hit tv show.