May 18, 2010 05:14
Ha ha, I'm talking a lot today (interweb wise)
It's 4:45am and I'm wide awake after 4 hours of sleep. I'm on a 10 and a half hour day at work with rotating shifts so the earliest I go to work is 4am and the latest is 11pm (with at least a week on each shift). I should be used to all the shift changes but it really takes me a few days to straighten my sleeping schedule out.
My first night of trying to get back on a 'day' schedule is either entirely sleepless or a very long night of very light half-awake sleep. And when I'm half awake my brain goes crazy and has bizarre dreams the whole night.
Now this is funny because the dream I had wasn't that scary. It was your basic slasher dream where someone was going around killing people and I knew who it was but couldn't really do anything about it. I spent half the dream frolicking around not caring that people were getting murdered and trying to protect the identify of witnesses. I'm embarrassed to admit that one of my witnesses was Lavender Brown. (and this is how I know I spend too much time on Harry Potter)
I kinda spooked myself awake because I was standing in a dry grass field behind a building yelling at someone who was yelling at me about what I knew when I knew the bad guy was there listening. Vaguely worrying but still not really scary.
So I woke up, rolled over, and when I'm very tired I get paranoid so I shut and locked my window, got a drink of water and went back to bed.
Then, half-awake, I terrified myself. There was something low to the ground at the foot of my bed. I couldn't see it but it was kind of tugging at my blankets, so I grabbed at my blankets and it shot out into the middle of the room, low to the ground, scuttling, and I jerked awake, a little freaked but shook myself and tried to lay back down and the dream continued. I had been so scared of the thing that I crept into Niv's room and slept beside his bed on the floor. When I opened my eyes it was there at my feet, peeking out from behind Niv's bed.
It was a ridiculous looking thing. Long, pointed snout face like a fox but hairless like an armadillo. It had very human eyes. And it was just frozen, standing there, looking at me.
Now some monsters you can grin at, or kick at, or growl and yell at and they either grin back or run away. I knew this wasn't one of them. If I moved to do anything but shut my eyes and scream it would do something ten times scarier than just stand there and look at me (which was pretty fucking terrifying at this point) and I flat out just didn't want to see what it could do that was scarier. I also knew it couldn't hurt me. Not yet. Not tonight. Tonight it was just there to scare the piss out of me. But eventually it would be able to. There was just this feeling of malice around it.
I never did do anything, because I wasn't sleeping in Niv's room. I was awake in my bed.
Its the kind of dream I would have had as a kid. And I haven't had one in years and years and years, so maybe that's why I'm so freaked out.
But man, I can' t go back to sleep until that thing is gone from my head.
whenever I close my eyes I see it, and when I'm not being terrified, I'm thinking, "this is great stuff, I've got to use it in a story".