Do not read this if you don't like hearing speculation about the HP books, or if you haven't and aren't going to read the latest (June 27th) J.K. Rowling interview. It's just speculation, and a few facts about the 7th book, but still, it's speculation that pissed me the hell off
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It's really strange how so many people feel the exact same way about both Ginny AND Snape.
I personally don't hate Ginny, but I'm not a huge fan of her being with Harry. I do agree though, if she were to die it sure would be one of, if not thee thing to push Harry over the edge.
So, you think Draco will be fine. God, I hope so. And, you're right of course, about JKR not hinting at killing off Harry.
She's too wiley to do something so obvious as hinting at killing him, then actually DOING IT.
And you hate Sirius? You know, I don't really remember him bashing Harry that much. But, I got the impression that Sirius was still a rowdy, annoying boy that was locked up in a mans body. He spent his whole youth holed up in some prision. He didn't have time to mature. Sure, he aged, but maturity wise, he was still an arrogant kid.
Meh. Sounds like I don't like him that much either. LOL.
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