SPN post

Nov 15, 2005 22:02

Overall I liked this episode, I did. Here's the post w00t!

Woah. Just woah. I know I should go in order, but he was there?! Duuuude. Cool. Although, I couldn't feel the full extent of the cool cause my brother and mother kept randomly interupting and being generally obnoxious. I can't believe my brother shares a name with JP, sheesh.

Gawd, my notes on this and Gilmore Girls are terrible! Handwritting-wise, I mean. I just scribble madly while the show's on.

So from the minute it started I knew that was Sam's old room. I was like "CLOSET!!!! LIKE SAM!"

I wrote "Give her gun!" But I have no idea what I meant by that, so oh well.

I, of course, as usual, was like "DIE BE ORIGINAL AND KILL HER!"

OOoohh I just figured out what I meant by the gun comment. When the woman's daughter called her in it was essentially the same scene that Sam had told us about before. About his father giving him the gun instead of telling him everything was okay. So I was like "give her a gun!!"

But, aw, how sweet, she did exactly what Sam wanted his dad to do.

I loved that she put the chair on the door, cause I still sorta do the same thing with my closet (I had stuff around both the door knobs so you can't open it, and there's stuff sort of in front of it lol, but that's not really on purpose.)

OMG She found old Winchester stuff in the basement. Cute!

Cool, someone should write the "guy shot himself in the head. Three times" plot. That'd be cool. Gives me an idea if I ever need a case for them.

Ha!" Okay, random, where'd that come from?" Love.

JP looked extrodinarily gorgeous in this ep, I dually noted.

More premonitions? I can dig that.

Sam: Dean! We have to go! I have premonitions and it's in our old house...and I saw a hot girl so we HAVE to go!

I love how he finally told Dean what was going on and Dean's just like 'let's hit the pause button, yo. Stop right now, thank you very much, I need somebody with the human--' Okay, Spice Girls love, I know.

And Dean was crying already? Awesome. They're oh so generous on this show.

HA I hate when people show up who used to live in your old house. It's so awkward. Especially when you think the people who lived here before are evil jackasses.

The woman looked a little bit like their mom, which I guess was sort of the point.

I actually kind of liked her. I mean, she played the part well, and her character wasn't annoying *shrugs* as far as the hot chick goes, she was good.

"I'm sure you have lots of happy memories here." No.

Apparently she either didn't notice, or chose to ignore, Dean's "We're feds" comment.


Sam was freaking the fuck out.

"We just gotta chill out, that's all." Dean said sensibly. 'Wait for one of them to die.'

OMG Dean memories we too cool.

DUDE Sam didn't KNOW that Dean carried him out of the house? How hot was that scene? So hot.

Dean: I have to go to the bathroom *gets up and goes to cally daddy*
Me: OMG he's not going potty!

And who else knew that while the plumber (?) had his hand down there the disposal was going to go off? Anyone?

Woah the psychic knew their names--way psychic to the max.

Many goofy and cute and sexy looks were to be had in this episode.

I thought the scene with the mom was cool, I knew it was gonna be her, and that was interesting. And I found out that ghosts/spirits/demons are like math--they can cancel each other out. Wild.

Well, I'm done with this right now, because I want to make a seperate Gilmore Girls post at some point because I didn't last week, and God I love the show!

This would have been out earlier, but I was watching Lost.


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