Jun 06, 2009 23:27
So the sledgehammer of reality has hit me. I last night was involved in a car accident with fatality. I was driving along major highway here, (believe it of not doing the speed limit) (insert chuckle here) and a Mercedes Benz compressor comes up on me at well over 100 plus miles per hour. Now this driver was way over his skill level. The traffic was not heavy at the time but at those speeds you really have to think 2 to three miles down road for that kind of driving. As I came down the road for at least a mile ahead of me it was totally clear. There was myself and a car I had just overtaken and about three vehicles within a mile of me I had my cruise control on and was rolling at 65 mph, had the stereo cranked. I come up beside a car traveling just below the speed limit. I pass on the right since the lane ahead was clear and the vehicle in the middle lane could see me clearly. I just finished passing this car and I see a flash of headlights and I realize that it’s a car moving way too fast in cutting across from the far left land ( high speed lane ) across behind the middle lane vehicle and right behind me. Now before I really saw him he was already sliding I hear a slight whoosh sound across my rear bumper. He’s now sliding sideways heading away from me towards the center median. I should describe the medians here they are wide grass areas about 35 to 40 feet wide with sections of the area elevated above road surface (basically large dirt piles) I see what I thought was a passenger through the side window but now have come to know that it was the driver having been thrown from his seat. The Mercedes then hit this mound at full speed and does what is a pirouette on its rear till it came in contact with the ground again and reversing direction headed back towards me into the roadway. by the time it re entered the roadway it had ejected the driver and done at least 3 complete revolutions. Now in my life I have talked to allot of people about how they see a panic/ emergency situation I have always seen things in very slow motion. I don’t see things in the flash that they are in time I have always seen each little bit and had time to react. In this case I saw the Mercedes rolling now it was elevated and at least 10 foot off the road surface at the time I said to myself how do I react if I hit my brakes I will be driving directly into where he “will be” so I started to his my brakes then I said no stomp it and be headed that way as he looses momentum I will be clear. Now in my mind it took forever and a day but I was on the shoulder Euro van in park hazard lights turned on and was running up the road. I reached the Mercedes In my mind long before I saw another approaching vehicle (a van) now I had already looked in the Mercedes to see if there were any other people in it and had run up the road about 2 feet before I realized that the van couldn’t see anything and was going to strike the Mercedes. I waved franticly to keep the other approaching vehicles to avoid the driver who was now laying half into the high speed lane. I still in my mind thought there were others so I was looking around to see if there were any other bodies while the now fast approaching traffic was not seeing any of this and was sliding all over hitting debris and swerving to avoid other swerving cars. I finish my survey and take off my shirt and wave it so people can see something. I run back to where the Mercedes driver was laying and notice that he really had no chance when I arrived I looked him over without touching him. As I looked I realized there was nothing I could do as his skull was open and the pieces were scattered along the road edge. Now this happened around 215 am and the sounds and noises from the fire and police were approaching I looked at the time and wow its 235 and it had felt like hours to me. We get enough traffic stopped that the lights form the vehicles are enough to warn the next group of the danger, when to my amazement one of the other people in the accident ( the van driver) tells people to go around. Now the traffic is going away and there are some people looking and some just moving on a carload of young ladies starts to climb out of there car and I yell over to get back in and out their belts on as new cars come screeching up. The gentleman who released all the traffic now listens to me and realizes by releasing the traffic there is no protection for the people now standing in the road and new traffic is coming up at way over 70 mph.
So now im involved I stay and wait for the ambulance to remove the body and the investigation to finish. I love how the investigators don t listen or interview the direct witnesses as for me I think having direct info as quickly as possible is most important
Well now you know about my Saturday morning