Nov 08, 2008 04:08
Leave Out All the Rest.
So I guess I haven't been around for a while. I've just been really caught up with life as it came at me really rapidly and really randomly. I tried making a new LiveJournal, hoping to turn over a new leaf, hoping to restart some of my blogging life. But I guess that didn't work . I guess turning over a new leaf doesn't always work.
I'm going to be changing my layout and all such things.
But is anyone listening?
Does anyone care?
I guess I'm just throwing it out there. It doesn't really matter if no one is listening or no one is reading. Remember, sing like no one is listening. But I do that far's becoming a habit.
Anyway, things are starting again.
Cupid's Chokehold is back on its its back burner. Don't know when it'll be finished though. I feel like it's becoming longer than ever and people are starting to lose interest since it's becoming such a novel.
Thanks for listening.