Title: Soothing
Summary: Catherine spends too long at a scene.
Disclaimers: CSI Crime Scene Investigation does not belong to me, they
are the property of CBS, Alliance Atlantis, Jerry Bruckheimer and the
wonderful actors who portray them.
Author's Notes: This is by far the shortest fic I've ever written. The
entire concept for this fic came out of our chat yesterday while we were
frantically counting the number of fics we had for this challenge and
trying to finish our fics. Once we realized that we were going to be
short a few fics, we had an idea. A series of drabbles or ficlets about
moments of Gil and Cath's life together in Vegas. So expect to see a few
fics in the Moments In Vegas challenge pop up today... And if anyone
would like to write a Moment in Vegas, feel free. It's kind of a fun way
to use those little ideas that come to mind that aren't really full
fledged fics. Thanks to Jac for looking over this for me and giving me
the okay to post. I'm a bit nervous, since it's short and I've never
written a drabblesque type of fic. And lots of thanks for the title... I
really hate titles.
Rating: CSI-1
Spoilers: Not a thing.
Distribution: The GraveshiftCSI Homepage
She stopped in her tracks, turning towards the office her name emanated
“Get in here, now.”
She glanced through the office door with a frown on her face and changed
her direction, entering the office and shutting the door behind her.
“Care to tell me what your problem is?”
“What happened to you?”
Catherine looked at Gil, slightly perplexed and shrugged. “I don’t know
what you’re talking about?”
“Come here,” his voice had softened noticeably, the worry obvious on his
She crossed the room, moving around his desk as he motioned her to come
“What happened?” he asked again, his fingers gently brushing her shoulder.
“Ouch!” She turned her head looking down to the spot Gil had just touched.
“How long were you at that scene?” He asked as he moved towards the mini
refrigerator in his office.
“Just a few hours,” she answered, shuddering slightly as Gil returned
with the bottle. “It’s cold.”
“I haven’t even touched you yet. Besides, you know what happens after
the initial shock.” He flipped the lid open, pointing at his chair and
waiting for Catherine to sit down.
“But…” she trailed off as the aloe vera gel came in contact with the
reddened skin on her shoulder.
“Shhh…” he whispered, slightly blowing across the gel covered skin.
“Just close your eyes and stop fighting. I’ll be done soon and you can
finish your work. Just remember… next time don’t forget to use the