Jul 19, 2010 21:37
Hell fucking yeah they're all back from foreign lands unseen. Ok. The 'all' makes it seem like there's a bunch of people although there's only two, actually, but still. THERE NEEDS TO BE CATCHING UP DONE. Missed you guys.
Now, it's a matter of collaborating timetables to see when we can actually have free time to meet up since TPJC's not the only school that has a 'STAR' program that stretches on to ungodly hours of the day.
Aaaand... this is pretty long ago but the butterscotch popcorn was really nice HK. =D Should've bought more. AND I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT HAVING UPLOADED THE QUEEN CONCERT PICTURES YET.
The card in which the pictures are on is sort of lost. I know it's in my room somewhere but I'd have to try and dig up for it.