Mar 18, 2009 19:47
So far, highlight of the March holiday would be getting to watch Departures with my friends. Beautiful movie. Catch it if you have a bit of time and money to spare.
I was rather shocked to find that Syafiqah was into visual kei. I wanted to go all: HUUUUUH!!?? OMG. but decided to just go with a O.o Oh. instead. Shi Lin actually pulls off cosplaying rather well! She showed me a pic of her as Kaname and she looked nice. The 'cool aura' that she always has was magnified as Kaname, lol.
Second highlight would be to finally finally be able to catch Allo Allo after a long time of not being able to.
Good moa-ning.
Imagine that phrase being said in a quasi french accent. I crack up everytime I hear the airman say that. This episode featured the entourage doing stupidly hilarious things to get Renee out of a prisoner of war camp. The one that takes the cake would have to be Gruber crossdressing as a nun "distributing religious pamphlets" to get into the camp while Helga stood beside the lamp post (with hat tilted at a jaunty angle and a gartered leg peeking out of the trenchcoat: like something out of a noir film scene) singing to the gramaphone in an effort to distract the soldier standing guard. wait. The airman guy with the french accent stuffing himself into the pipe and being lifted over comes a close second. For some reason, Herr Flick was tunneling underground with his assistant to get into the camp. And at the end, the show closed off with most of them doing the can-can.
Yes. This is an actual show. I'm not making it up.
CATCH IT ON OKTO 11.30 PM ON MONDAYS. More people need to watch the beautiful crack that is Allo Allo.