I don't feel like writing anything intelligible, so here's today's Tweets!
- 23:51 Why do I want to go to bed and it isn't even midnight yet? I'm slightly terrified. #
- 23:56 Also: Connecting my external harddrive to the Airport for ease of playing music is awesome.. but that shit skips like none fucking other. #
- 05:57 Been up all night preparing snail mail queries for agents and publishers. The taste of the envelopes I'm using is vomit-inducing. #
- 06:02 Oh, Family Force 5. Ghostride The Whip is hilarious. #
- 06:38 All the initial queries for the 54 literary agents I selected are done. Fuck YEAH. #
- 06:49 An earthquake too, huh? Man, God hates the Midwest. #
- 07:32 I'm gonna go ahead and listen to Journey and not give a fuck right now. K? K. #
- 08:37 Most random injury ever. Thumb stuck behind the car window crank. twitpic.com/12eact #
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