I don't feel like writing anything intelligible, so here's today's Tweets!
- 22:28 Dear Twitter: Just in case you didn't know, @imtiffanyterror and I are brain-sharing hetero lifemates. XOXO. Bake cake, bitch! #
- 06:17 Just applied for a whole smattering of jobs, and it's 6 AM and I'm not tired. This could prove problematic... oh well. Knitting and sleep. #
- 06:30 Back to being a Twitter monster without fear of pissing off all my Facebook friends. #
- 07:09 In case anybody was wondering about the status of my book or wanted to read about it, I put up a page on my website: www.lizvanpay.com! #
- 19:11 Currently loading Turbonegro's entire discography on my iPod. Schwing! #
- 21:32 It's 9:30, and @callmeabomb is half passed out and making me go to the vending machine with him. I love Sundays. #
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