Jan 13, 2011 17:50
I dreamed last night of a blonde man who choked me. We were with his family and he was so much taller than I was, skinny like Knives from Trigun... we started arguing and I wanted to leave, and he held my shoulders from behind at first. He murmured angry things in my ear and told me that someone had called the cops, and that I had better fix this. He wasn't going to do this with me. I ended up talking to the officers over the phone and lying to them. His family went about their business as normal. I cried in our bedroom and told our children that everything was okay, Mommy was just a little sad.
I talked to Alex before he went to sleep. Today is his 23rd birthday, and I forgot to text him at midnight. :c I feel like a shitty friend lol. I'm buying him Pokemon Crystal for his bday... it should be here by Monday. He keeps talking about how he feels like all the girls he talks to flirt, and then end up just going for other guys... I told him it was their loss and he asked how I figured. So I told him that I regretted ending our relationships both times and that it was my loss. He said that he hadn't been one more than 1 date since we'd ended (July) and that he figured I'd had a lot more chances to find another connection like we had. So pretty much, "Yeah well, I don't miss you. Sorry."
I'm going on a moviedate with my friend Chris this friday :) We're having some food and b-movies at his house. He keeps telling me how nervous he is. I really do like him, he's a sweet kid, but IDK if this is gonna be the next big thing. I'm not making any big plans... taking life day by day seems to be working for me.
I mentioned something the other day in a baww thread on 4chan.org/b/ about how I missed my dragon... and an anon told me, "Don't you know? You can never catch the dragon." Yeah, don't I know it.
So I bought me and Katie both a foam sword from How to Tame Your Dragon :) That should help, right?