May 09, 2004 12:01
Hey, Well on on fri me, kim, stacy, kaitlyn, and kelly all went to the
mall to shop. I got a shirt from american eagle and sunglasses for
florida. I forgot what kim got, but she didnt get the new purse she
despretly neede-he he. Stacy also got sunglasses and a super cute
cherry dress from forever 21. Kelly got a poka dotted purse and i think
she got the band shirt from hot topic. Kaitlyn, lets see, she got i
lot, i cant keep Yesterday me and my sister went to the mall
to get a mothers day gift for my mom, we ended up getting 3 cd's for
ourselfs. We got the usher, brittney spears, and evenessence cds cause
we had gift certifcicates. When we were leaving, we got my mom these
really nice bcbg girls shoes. My sister let me drive there and back, i
love driving in her car, i like the way it turns. We rented theses 2
movies at block buster- up town girls, and out of the ashes. I didnt
watch up town girls cause i cant stand britney murphy somtimes. The
other movie was very sad, it was about the holocaust. Then i was
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited cause usa and
sweden were facing each other in the world hockey championships
and they were acutally showing it on american tv!! and sweden won!!
yay!! now they face canada for the gold, but the stupid u.s isnt
showing it cause they're asses!! well adjo!