Mar 07, 2005 01:04
Three viewings of the Vagina Monologues in three days (with Jen-derless performing no less) is too much. Let me explain. Jen, the unelected, unoffical, unwanted Vice President of NIUs Women's Alliance talks about explicit personal sexual encounters during meetings.. Hearing her perform in the VM makes you want to vomit in your lap. (Second part of the explanation, she's transgendered - and willingly calls herself Jenderless) However, total earnings from three nights: $674.00. :)
I love the monologue on childbirth. They compare the vagina to the heart; how it can stretch to let you in and change shape to let you out, and it can break and bleed and heal like a heart can. Also, the reclaiming Cunt as an empowerment phrase monologue will always unsettle the prudes in the house.
Unfortunate news...
A friend of Brian's from Harper recently was found dead in Lake Michigan after she'd been missing. Its been deemd a suicide, on account of a suicide note, but this girl never suggested she was unhappy and as such its very eerie news. Brian is being asked by Harper Honors to give some sort of remembrance discussion and he's really stressed.
My 21st birthday went well. I had a surprise party while at home and my roommates got me enough booze to get ten men trashed. Interestingly, it doesn't do much for me anymore. Not because of the empty calories, but I just get sick feeling. Caffiene, now that's a rush. I think DeKalb needs a lil caffiene bar.