hahah being single is ridiculous

Sep 23, 2010 13:01

really I feel like I'm 15 with these flip-flop crazy emotions about relationships and boys

Less boys more school

Say goodbye to the baker...hung out with him last night and introduced him to Amanda and John. The way a guy reacts and acts around your friends = tres important. End result = ASSHOLE who is really good at making himself appear to be a nice pulled together man.

I am okay with the fact that he is an asshole. It is kind of sad because he has such such potential BUT what is REALLY sad that Amanda and I pointed out is that this town is so small and the college is so lacking in males is that it looks like unless we get super lucky the next 2 years down here = single town. haha a hard concept for relationship girls.

I have forgotten the rules of dating too..I need a refresher and to turn my asshole radar back on. I haven't had to worry about these things in so long!

Being smitten was fun while it lasted
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